Author Archives: Mdsyfulislam

Posts: 6 (archived below)
Comments: 7

“Where is my Freedom?”

In my movie, “Where is my Freedom?”, I want to mention this picture in the time between 1890 to 1900. This picture represent the exact scenario of “separate but equal” doctrine. Here I find that the colored people (originally black people) were being insulted by this doctrine. After the 1896 court case of Plessy vs. Ferguson, the “separate but equal” clause became law. African Americans were entitled to “equal” public places as whites, but they have to use separate places. This “separate but equal” law had huge impact in American society until the Civil Rights Movement in 1960s.

Posted in 1890-1900, Cultural History, Final Exam Component, Social History | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on “Where is my Freedom?”

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, formally known as FBI, is an agency of the United States Department of Justice and was formed in 1908. The FBI works as a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency. The main motto of FBI is “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity.” The importance of FBI in American history or in American society is unimaginable.

In 1908 the Congress passed a law that forbade the use of Treasury employees by the Justice Department, so Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte made a new Bureau of Investigation (BOI or BI). In 1935 the Bureau of Investigation changed its name to Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI.

Until 1886, there was no organization that have the power to regulate interstate commerce. When the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 passed, the FBI’s jurisdiction derived from this Act. FBI’s first official job was to visit and make surveys of the houses of prostitution in preparation for enforcing the “White Slave Traffic Act,” or Mann Act, passed on June 25, 1910. Later on, the FBI performed a lot of remarkable federal investigation efficiently that it can be considered as “symbol of trust” in the Americans’ mind.

Posted in 1900-1916, June 29 assignment, Political history, Social History | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

President Ronald Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan was the 40th President of the United States. In his early carrier, he was an actor. He started his political carrier with the Democratic Party; but he switched to the Republican Party in 1962, got the nomination for presidency in 1980 and win the election in 1980 and 1984.

Reagan spoke of  “economic freedom” and proposed an “economic Bill of Rights.” He thought that economic freedom means “curtailing the power of unions, dismantling regulations, and radically reducing reducing taxes.” All his approaches to get the economic freedom were very supportive for the rich people, and it brings the huge economic inequality in society. In his two years presidency period, “the richest 1 percent of Americans owned 40 percent of the nation’s wealth.” Ronald also was the stronger supporter of supply-side economics, and sometimes his economical decision known as “Reaganomics.”

Posted in Economic History, June 21 assignment, Political history | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on President Ronald Reagan

1960s: Freedom for all Americans.

1960\’s Civil Rights Movement

The Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was officially passed  on December 6, 1865 and  it abolished  slavery and declared the freedom for American citizens. But the freedom was not established until the 1960s, the time when Civil Rights Act passed to abolish the various discrimination in American society. The Civil Rights activists want to free themselves from “the chains of political and economic slavery.” I think that 1960s are playing a significant role in the American history because in this time the economic and political freedom are achieved, and the Civil Right Act of 1964 helped to establish these freedom.

The race and color based discrimination on the employment were exist before the 1960s. The protesters of Civil Rights movement wanted the equal opportunity to get the job, and their posters focused on the “Jobs and Freedom.” The Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped the blacks to get the same opportunities that the whites had.  It is clear that 1960s was the time when all Americans especially Blacks  start to enjoy their new economic and political freedom.

Posted in 1960-1968, Economic History, June 14 assignment, Political history | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Collapse of Communism & Victory of Capitalism

This video is from YouTube, and its official name is  “Collapse of the Soviet Union 1991.” It was posted in online in January 23, 2008 by kennedy27126 and under the category of  “NHD Conflict and Compromise.” This video shows that how the Soviet Union brakes into small independent nations at end of the Cold war. Actually this war was between communism vs capitalism. The concept of communism was well established in the Soviet Union, and capitalist countries wanted to demolish the practicing of communism in the powerful nation such as Soviet Union. So the U.S.A and other capitalist countries tried to break the strength of a communist nation, and they were able to break the ties of Soviet nation.

January 23, 2008 — NHD Conflict and Compromise

Posted in 1989-2000, June 8 assignment, Political history | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Collapse of Communism & Victory of Capitalism

9/11 and requirements for Muslim immigrants in U.S.A

Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images (Nov 17, 2003)

From the image website, I found that Suman Raghunathan, of the New York Immigration Coalition, yells during a protest marking the anniversary of the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s special registration program November 17, 2003 in New York City. The post-9/11 program requires men from mostly Arab and Muslim countries to register with the government. In addition, 13,000 Arab and Muslim immigrants face deportation proceedings as a result of the program.

The image is representing the 9/11 effect in the American society. Because of the 9/11 fact, the government officials seem that the Muslim community is the outsider in this country and they need special requirement or commitment to become a citizen or become a legal resident in U.S.A.

Posted in 2001-present, June 7 assignment, Social History | Tagged , , | Comments Off on 9/11 and requirements for Muslim immigrants in U.S.A