Author Archives: Monique

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Music to movie “Who I Was Unwillingly”

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This song which is written and sung by Tracey Chapman will play in the movie twice. Once in the beginning while flashes of history concerning freedom run across the screen. Then again during the main actress' own flashbacks of her treating black americans harsh. It's a sad yet realistic song with a smooth tune that I hope draws the audience in.  

Posted in Cultural History, Final Exam Component | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Music to movie “Who I Was Unwillingly”

Child Labor in Fall River, Massachusetts.

This photo was found under a collection called National Child Labor Committee Collection.  The photo was taken by Louis Wickes Hine 1916 who published over 5,000 photos depicting child labor. This 16 year old child whose name was Louis Pelissier was mentally challenged and didn’t know where he was supposed to work so he made his way to a mill and they couldn’t help him. He was a sweeper but the work was too hard for him.

Posted in 1900-1916, June 28 assignment, Social History | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments


In 2002, The Axis of Evil was a name given to Iraq, North Korea and Iran by then President Bush.  At the State of the Union Address  Bush alleged that these countries harbored terrorist and were a threat to the United States. He labeled these countries a threat to the United States because he insisted that they possessed weapons of mass destruction. However, according to Give Me Liberty, there existed no evidence to support his claim and more importantly Iraq and Iran had previously went to war against one another. I find this important to know because it gave the public an idea that some of his accusations were without evidence and therefore some of his actions should not have been supported.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Posted in 2001-present, June 21 assignment | Comments Off on AXIS OF EVIL

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Although the Montgomery Bus Boycott occurred some time after the Brown Case, Rosa Parks is still recognized as being an individual who publicized resistance to unfair segregation laws. Due to her resistance, a boycott soon developed.  Soon after, the law which required segregation on buses was overturned.

I find this to be a significant change between the 1953 and 1960 because it paved the way for many more laws to be overturned while giving hope to the black American people. She helped to support, create, and implement the civil rights movement using resistance tactics. She peacefully decided not to give her seat up for the white men.  Rosa Parks brought the meaning of enjoying freedom in all ways to light.

Rosa Parks is responsible for the change in the law that supported segregation on public buses. However, in the interim she lost her job and suffered many other uneasy consequences. Ultimately, she received recognition along with awards and respect. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Posted in 1953-1960, June 15 assignment | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

L.A.Riots of 1992


I feel that this represents an important part of history. It is important because for the first time an incident based on rasicm and the abuse of authority was made available to the public and it showed how the LAPD poorly handled the situation by brutally beating a man. The file is showing the aftermath of a riot that began after police officers were acquitted in the caught on camera beating Rodney King. Rodney King is also shown speaking about peace and unity. Footage of the riot is shown along with the arrival of the national guards. This video includes a CNN report and live footage. Greg LaMotte is reporting on CNN live from L.A. May 01,1992.  The video was posted on YouTube by Daniel J B Mitchell on September 29th, 2007. He is listed as being a 67 year old professor who joined YouTube in 2006

Posted in 1989-2000, June 8 assignment | Tagged , , | Comments Off on L.A.Riots of 1992

H1N1 Pandemic

The H1N1 outbreak was a frightening virus that had many Americans rushing to emergency rooms. The symptoms were general flu type symptons which made it hard to determine whether or not one was sick with the H1N1 flu or the regular flu. Some say the pandemic is not over. Although the United States made the vaccine very accessible to the public there remained a surplus of the vaccine. The attached photo was extracted from the New York Times, the photo was taken by Michael Buholzer/Rueters.

Posted in 2001-present, June 7 assignment, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 7 Comments