Author Archives: Ndiaga

Posts: 6 (archived below)
Comments: 7

Black Wall Street

This portion of the movie explains that it was not considered a crime to lynch a black in the United States during the Jim Crow era. The message that I’m conveying the audience is that blacks Americans  experiences were unique in the United States ; they had endured all kind of atrocities  in this land of freedom .African Americans were victims of a system that condemned blackness.

Posted in 1920-1932, 1932-1940, Uncategorized | Tagged | Comments Off on Black Wall Street

Women protest

A photograph of fourteen women suffragists in overcoat on pickets line they are holding suffrage banners in front of the white house. One banner reads: “Mr. the President how long women must wait for liberty.”. This event occurred in 1917 with the White house visible in the background.

Posted in 1916-1920, 2001-present, June 28 assignment, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Dick Cheney

Richard “Dick” Cheney , was born in January 30,1941, served as the vice president of the United States under George W. Bush from 2001-2009 and was considered as the most powerful and influencial vice president in the United States history.He worked his way into the white house during the Nixon and Ford administration where he served latter as a white house chief of staff. Cheney was selected to be secretary of defense during the presidency of George H.W. Bush and he oversaw the 1991 operation desert of  storm. Out  of office during the Clinton administration, Cheney was chairman and C.E.O. of Halliburton company from 1995 to 2000.Dick Cheney Picture

Posted in June 21 assignment | Comments Off on Dick Cheney

supreme court ruling segregation on public transportation unconstitutional

The single most important change between 1953 and 1960 was when the supreme  court ruled that segregation on public transportation unconstitutional.

In December 1955, Rosa Parks,a seamstress in Montgomery, Alabama,refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white commuter got arrested. Her arrest spurred an unprecedented year long bus boycott; the Montgomery bus boycott emboldened the movement for racial justice led by a young pastor named Martin Luther King Jr. The movement aims was t0 denounce the injustice ,inequality and oppression that the colored people endured in the deep south.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Posted in 1953-1960, Uncategorized | Tagged | 1 Comment

Inauguration of Nelson Mandela as South Africa president

Nelson Mandela is the Nobel peace price recipient in 1991 and the first democratically elected president of South Africa in 1994; a country a country that was ruled for centuries by white minorities .He spent over twenty five years of his life behind bars , and whose only crime was of being black and a human rights advocate during the apartheid era.During the period,the basic rights such as : the right to  vote were denied to the native South Africans while the United States of America, a nation that proclaimed itself  as the defender of human rights looked the other way.Mandela’s inauguration day was a source of inspiration and pride to millions of youth throughout  the African continent.It showed us(the youth) that an African can thrive in a western dominated world if he or she got educated.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Posted in 1989-2000, 2001-present, Uncategorized | Tagged , | Comments Off on Inauguration of Nelson Mandela as South Africa president

Post 9/11 at the World trade Center

American flag standing high following September 11 attacks at ground zero.Where the twin towers used to stand ,which symbolized American economical hegemony. This image was showing the rest the World specifically its enemies that the stripes and the stars don’t run away.

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