Author Archives: Yimei

Posts: 7 (archived below)
Comments: 7

Pearl Harbor

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]This video is about Pearl Harbor which happened on Dec 7 1941. It is at the begining of my screenplay. Pearl Harbor is a very  important turning point in American history because it made United States directly involve in World War II and created Japanese Internment camp which impaired Japanese-American physically and emotionally. Also, Pearl Harbor is an important turning point which pushed discrimination wave into a high point under United States governmental power.

Posted in 1941-1945, Political history, Social History | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Pearl Harbor

Prohibition of alcohol

Prohibition of alcohol occurs in the United States. Prohibition in the United States began January 16, 1919 with the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S Constitution and effected on January 16, 1920, and it continued throughout the 1920s. Prohibition was finally repealed in 1933. This picture shows that Beer barrels are destroyed by prohibition agents in an unknown location on Jan. 16, 1920 and was published by Associated Press. While Prohibition was successful in reducing the amount of liquor consumed, it tended to destroy society by other means. Prohibition became increasingly unpopular during the Great Depression, especially in large cities.

The link of this image is

Posted in 1920-1932, Cultural History, Economic History, June 28 assignment, Social History | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square protest happened in 1989. There were tens of thousands of students demonstrating for the greater democracy in capital of China, Beijing. It reached at its peak On June 4, 1989. On that day, because protesters wanted to grieve the Hu Yaobang who was a pro-democracy and anti-corruption official, around 100,000 students went to gather at Tiananmen Square. Estimated 2,000 protesters were killed by Chinese government.

Posted in 1989-2000, Cultural History, June 21 assignment, Midterm Exam Review | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Tiananmen Square

Massive Retaliation

 Massive Retaliation was a term created by President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles on 12 January 1954. On that day , Dulles gave  a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Although Eisenhower was a military solider, he really hated war. In the contrast, his Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was really like to fight. He gave a speech and annuanced that “any Soviet attack on American ally would be countered by a nuclear assault on the Soviet Union” ( Eric Foner,891).

Massive retaliation was a powder-flag of  any conflicts beteween Soviet and America. It could bring a nuclear war possiblely at any time and destory the  Soviet Union and the Unite States. The impact of massive retaliation was very lasting and widerspread. Citizens were extremely scared by possible impending nuclear war. This affected American and Soviet Union’s daily lives.  American government created many programs, such as building underground bomb shelters and school drills. The action of government made whole nation more scared. I personally think massive retaliation not only affect American economy, but also influence the politic stragety of America.

Posted in 1953-1960, June 15 assignment, Political history | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Respond to the Voice of Freedom p346 “Triple Identity”

After reading this article, I had and have strong the same feelings. Puwat Chaukamnoethanok has complex cultural identity. As he says, there are two major different kinds of immigrants. One is they immigrate to a new country, because they want to get a better life; the other one is they want to create better education environment and opportunities for their children.

My father has been America for 10 years. I think he wanted to achieve both goals when he came. Although he didn’t graduate from the elementary school, he recognized totally that the education was very important for children’s future.

I had been America for one and half year. I strongly feel racism and discrimination as Puwat feeling because of our physical appearance, influent English, which I never suffered from when I was in China. Before we came to America, they always say that America is a free country, which is full of opportunities. If you work hard, you can be whatever you want to be.

I agree this opinion. When I just came to America, I was not able to talk a full sentence, I couldn’t find a job, and I failed ACT test. I felt extremely frustrated about myself and I wanted to give up, gave up what I wanted to do. But, I didn’t. I kept working hard. I didn’t have off days for myself.

      Because Puwat believes that as a immigrant, we need to work harder, and we can be successful. That’s what Puwat believes, that is also I believe.

Posted in Cultural History, Social History | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Gulf War

GulfWar  [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]GulfWar happened on August 2, 1990 beteween Iraq and Kuwait.

This video covers whole Gulf War with a lot of slideshows and very rhythmus music. It looks like three part of the war. Before the Gulf War, there were a lot of militaries and troops going to attack the Gulf. During the war, there were many injurious persons and damaged places. After the war, it shows that they accomplished the assignment. I really enjoyed the music of this video.

    Gulf War is very important historal event because that was the first large- scale war after the Cold War. I personally think this war made America know the Saddam Hussein. And it also contributed little to the Iraq War.

This video was created by Chug26 and posted on April 27, 2008 on Youtube.

Posted in 1989-2000, June 8 assignment | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Gay marriage

This photo was taken at midnight of  May 17, 2004 in Massachusetts. Marcia Hams(with yellow sweater) and her marriage parter Susan Shepherd( with the black jacket) were the first same-sex couple who start the application for their same-sex marriage license. After completeing the application, they were shaking hands with City Clerk D. Margaret Drury in at Cambridge City Hall.

This event is very important for because it means United States starts to accept the same-sex marriage legally.

This photo was taken by  Steven Senne and was published on Associated Press.

Posted in 2001-present, June 7 assignment, Social History | Tagged , , | 1 Comment