Blog Support

The web address of the blog is  All students enrolled in this class have been added as users.  You should have received an email at your Baruch account containing your username and password.  If you already had a user account at Blogs@Baruch, you should have received an email requiring confirmation to be added to this blog.  Once you click this link, you will be added as a user.  Syllabus information is contained in the about and schedule tabs.  Assignments can be found in the assignments tab.  If you have any trouble, email me: thomas.harbison at

Assignments will regularly require that you write posts as well as comments.  You may be asked to add media (images, movies, or audio) into your posts, as well as links to other sites on the web.  Here are some instructions for performing each of these tasks:

Write a post: Click “Write a Post” in the top of the right-hand sidebar.  Login using the username/password with which you were provided.  In the text box at the top, give your post a title.  In the second text box, write your post.  Above the box, you will see a visual editor, which provides an easy way to format and add a range of material to your post. Here is an image of the editor:

Using the visual editor, you can format the font and paragraph attributes and insert pull quotes.  You can also add links and media, which will be addressed below.

If you prefer to write a post using the HTML interface, make sure that the HTML tab in the upper righthand corner is selected.

Insert images into your post:

To insert an image in the post, click the “Add Image” icon (immediately to the right of “Add media” in the upper-left hand corner of the visual editor.  This will open a window that looks like this:

It is recommended that you select “From URL,” as this will link directly to the image file at the source location.  When you select this, option at the top of the window, you should see this:

Fill in the “Image URL” (which you can get for most images on the Web by right-clicking and selecting “Copy Link Location” and then pasting into the “Image URL” field), give the image a title, and then “Insert into Post.”

If you prefer to upload an image from your computer, select “From Computer” in the add media dialogue box.  Click “Select File,” identify the file on your computer, and fill in the information in the screen that looks like this:

Lower down in the dialogue box, select the alignment and size of the image as shown below (I recommend choosing “Medium” so that it fits properly on the blog).  Finally, make sure to click “Insert into Post,” which will insert the image and bring you back to the composition window. Inserting links: Highlight the text you wish to covert into a link.  Click the 10th button from the left in the visual editor in the top row (looks like this:    A dialogue window will pop up, in which you can enter the URL that you are linking to, as well as the name of the link as you wish for it to appear in your post.

Inserting video files: Copy the link of a video on YouTube or a similar service.  Paste it into your visual editor.  For example, I will paste a URL to a YouTube video here:
When you preview or publish your post, the video will appear embedded in your post.