Category Archives: 1969-1988

Scalawags vs. Carpetbaggers

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

The Citizenship rights for Southern whites and former slaves were key controversies during Reconstruction. The first part of my Documentary movie shows the Reconstruction. Many white Southerners deeply resented the Reconstruction governments and the role of blacks in them. They branded the few white Southerners active in those governments as scalawags and the Republican Northerners who came South to take part in Reconstruction as carpetbaggers. The Documentary movie includes a Play titling Scalawags vs. Carpetbaggers.

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Refugee Act of 1980

United States is a country that been built by immigrants, where some of them were refugees from all over the world. In 1980 was passed the Refugee Act, which is a United States federal law that reformed United States immigration law and admitted refugees on sytematic basis for humanitarian reasons. For example, in 1985 ceiling of 70,000 refugees, with 270,000 immigrants total and 20,000 from any one country, was established. Annually, the proposed refugee Admissions Report to the Congress is written detailing new circumstances invoving refugees worldwide, and determining the new annual ceiling of refugees resettling in the United States. The Refugee Act is another proof that the main United States principle is a freedom.

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Watergate was a political scandal that happened during president Nixon’s Presidency. If it wasn’t because of Wills’ allert action, the scandal wouldn’t never erupted. As a matter of fact, it wouldn’d lead to President Nixon Resignation in July 1974.

This event is when american started not beleiving their politicians. Because of it, many people lost faith and won’t event bother to vote.

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Iran-Contra Affair

The Iran-Contra Affair was a political scandal revealed in 1986 which related to events that took place earlier in Reagan’s administration. Hezbollah, a political group in Lebanon, had taken numerous Americans hostage. In an effort to increase US-Iranian relations, the US would indirectly sell weapons through Israel to Iran and in turn, Iran would do everything in its power to convince Hezbollah to release the hostages. The plan essentially became an arms-for-hostage affair.

In 1984, Congress banned American aid to the Contras of Nicaragua who were trying to overthrow the communist Sandinista government. Colonel Oliver North along with other high ranking military personnel, devised a plan in which some of the profits from the weapons sale to Iran would be diverted to aiding the Contras. It was widely known that Reagan was a supporter of the Contra cause, but there has never been any proof which shows Reagan authorized the diversion of profits from the weapons sales to the Contras.

Posted in 1969-1988, June 21 assignment, Midterm Exam Review, Political history | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment


During 1970s, the United States experienced stagflation which is economic phenomenon that the unemployment rate and the inflation rate are high at the same time. Main causes for this stagflation were the changes in economic policy, the end of the Golden Exchange Standard, made by Nixon in 1971 and Oil Crisis in 1973 and 1979. It created a negative spiral in economy because price increases while income decreases and suffered not only people in the United States but also other nations especially country which highly depended on oil imports.

Image from: 1970s-oil-crisis.html

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 Watergate Scandal first came out in 1974 when there was a break-in at the Democratic National Committee Headquarter at the Watergate Complex. Although it was first assumed to be a simple robbery, further investigation revealed that there was a connection to Committee to re-elect the president and the president Nixon himself. Although he tried to cover up his connections, especially the tape of wiretapping, the U.S. Supreme Court declared him to hand over the tape. As a result, President Nixon resigned before he was impeached.

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Vietnam War

The most important event of 60’s in American history was Vietnam War.  No doubt that this historical event changed forever the mind of American society and leads to creation of civil rights movement, famous Martin Luther King’s march on Washington DC, student’s protests, movement for gay rights and etc. Full responsibility for the beginning of Vietnam War is on Lyndon Johnson, who in 1964 forced US Congress to approve the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. The official beginning of Vietnam War is 1965, when 200,000 American soldiers were sent to Vietnam. That war, that no one really needs and whose goal was to take the revenge on Soviets, broke American society believe into the rightness of the politics. The lost generation of American soldiers who survived this war gave birth to the new protest movements for peace and until now being one of the most politically active anti-war and civil right supporters. The book by Kovic “Born on the Fourth of July” and the movie based on this book very well illustrates the historical events of that period in American history.

Posted in 1960-1968, 1969-1988, June 14 assignment | 1 Comment

1969- Gay Liberation

Before the formation of the gay rights organizations, gays and lesbians were viewed as having a mental disorder. In society, gays and lesbians were frowned upon and discriminated through harassment and laws prohibiting homosexual acts. With the formation of the first gay right organization in 1951, the Mattachine Society worked to convince that gays and lesbians were the same as the average Americans, except for their difference in sexual preferences.

In 1969, the “gay liberation” occurred, in which homosexuals resist and revolt against the police raiding a homosexual bar in Greenwich Village, New York City. The riot lasted for five days leading to the start of the movement, in which gays began to fight for their rights. Without the Mattachine Society, homosexuals might not have thought of themselves as normal/equal to everyone else, which in turn lead to their riot for their freedom. If the riot did not occur, we may still discriminate against homosexuals and impose unjust laws against them.

The video below displays the 2009 gay pride parade in New York City. The parade occurs every year and has become an international event. Through the actions of the organization and individuals fighting for what they believe in, it has changed our views on other and made understand/tolerate others differences.

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Deployment of the ARPANET

The image above is the very first message transmitted through ARPANET in 1969, the predecessor to the internet.  ARPANET was created by DARPA of the United States Department of Defense as a line of communication that can survive a bombing attack.

The ARPANET is important because it made the Internet what it is today, an invaluable tool that makes communications worldwide easier, faster and more efficient.

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Norman Borlaug: He Fed The World

This picture is taken from  the Dallas Observer News Blog. It’s a rather famous autographed picture of Norman from his younger days working/researching in the fields. <borlaug-young.gif> or <>

The man in the picture, the agricultural scientist Dr. Norman Borlaug, died on September 13, 2009 at the age of  95. It was Dr. Borlaug’s work in creating high-yield crop varieties and improving agriculture in the Third World–in villages across Mexico, India, Africa and countless others–that brought him the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Congressional Gold Medal, and the Padma Vibhusham, India’s second highest civilian honor.

He spent his life fighting famine in developing nations. He is often referred to as the father of the “green revolution” and credited with saving 1 billion lives from famine. His contributions, though forgotten (or often not even realized) in developed nations, will continue to have ever-lasting effects for lifetimes to come all over the world; particularly in such developing nations which comprise South Asia.

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