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Category Archives: 2001-present
Women protest
A photograph of fourteen women suffragists in overcoat on pickets line they are holding suffrage banners in front of the white house. One banner reads: “Mr. the President how long women must wait for liberty.”. This event occurred in 1917 with the White house visible in the background.
In 2002, The Axis of Evil was a name given to Iraq, North Korea and Iran by then President Bush. At the State of the Union Address Bush alleged that these countries harbored terrorist and were a threat to the United States. He labeled these countries a threat to the United States because he insisted that they possessed weapons of mass destruction. However, according to Give Me Liberty, there existed no evidence to support his claim and more importantly Iraq and Iran had previously went to war against one another. I find this important to know because it gave the public an idea that some of his accusations were without evidence and therefore some of his actions should not have been supported.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Posted in 2001-present, June 21 assignment
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Colin Luther Powell
Colin Luther Powell was born in April 5, 1937. He is an American statesman and a retired four-star General in the United States Army. He was the 65th United States Secretary of State (2001–2005), serving under President George W. Bush. He was the first African American appointed to that position. During his military career, Powell also served as National Security Advisor (1987–1989), as Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command (1989) and as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989–1993), holding the latter position during the Gulf War. He was the first, and so far the only, African American to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Colin Powell was against the idea of invading Iraq. In November 2004, he resigns his position as Secretary of State, and three other Cabinet secretaries resigned as well.
Posted in 2001-present, Uncategorized
Tagged colin, powell, Secretary of Satates
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“Axis of Evil”
“Axis of evil” is a term that used by the former President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002, he accused Iran, Iraq and North Korea of helping terrorism and developing weapons of mass destruction which would potentially threat the safety of the United States. Thus, he named the three countries as the “axis of evil.”
Posted in 2001-present, June 21 assignment, Midterm Exam Review, Political history
Tagged "Axis of Evil", George W. Bush
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Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina hit the southern coast of the United States on August 28th, 2005. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over 1,800 people lost their lives, and more then $81 billion dollars in damages occurred, nearly the double the cost of the previously most expensive, Hurricane Andrew, when adjusted for inflation. Besides New Orleans, Katrina also devastated the coasts of Mississippi and Alabama.
Posted in 2001-present, June 21 assignment, Midterm Exam Review
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Enron was an American energy company that went through a scandalous bankruptcy in 2001. It was a very powerful company that gained its popularity through marketing and having a very high stock market value. It was named the “Most Innovative Company” by Forbes for six years in a row. The company’s downfall appeared to come from its use of mark-to-market accounting, which is recognizing future revenue in the present. In this way, it appeared that the company’s revenue was sky high, and the company was thus able to hide its huge debt. This debt was eventually discovered after many questions were raised against the actions of the company, and Jeffrey Skilling, the former President and CEO, brushed them off without realizing the consequences. Shareholders, as a whole, lost around $11 billion in the bankruptcy of Enron.
Posted in 2001-present, June 21 assignment
Tagged bankruptcy, energy, enron, mark to market, scandal, skilling
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We need to talk about this oil spill…
That was clear from class today.
A friend of mine just brought up the oil spill to me again on the phone, and he was too young to remember the Iranian hostage crisis. We are living through a terrible moment in history right now, and this isn’t a moment where you “remember where you were when…” like one day you will tell someone younger than you where you were the day Barack Obama was elected President. That was a great day. Your grandparents remember where they were when they found out that John F. Kennedy had been killed. That was a horrible day.
Every single day during the Iranian hostage crisis, I came home from school hoping upon hope that my mom would tell me the hostages were freed. I remember getting the newspaper and hoping that there would be something happy there to find out about these poor people. The newspaper was Newsday, and it was an “evening” paper – so there was never going to be anything new in that paper that I didn’t already know. This went on for 1 year and almost 100 more days… it was torture to be an American citizen in 1980 because some Iranian college students made fools of us and we had a President who wouldn’t stand up for us. OK it wasn’t really torture, but it was deeply and thoroughly humiliating. I do not use these words lightly. I feel this same sense of humiliation again when I see these corporate executives on TV each morning, and I hear reported the effing jerk CEO of BP say he’d like his life back. Really? Like “Seth and Amy? Really?” really?
What we are living through now is an enduring and sustained horribleness. The world is being polluted – no, destroyed, before our eyes, while we watch – and we are powerless to stop it right this instant. By “we” I mean you, me, the President, scientists: by we, I mean all the people of the planet Earth. And men who make more money in a month than we will make in a lifetime sit on morning TV and act like snotty children who you want to just smack upside the head. If you’re lucky enough to be crazy busy, you can avoid the news. If you’re not, you try to figure out how to expel the sadness from your body because it’s so sad but it’s hard to cry for an oil soaked pelican. We couldn’t see those hostages all that time, but is the sadness different or is it my soul that is so hardened by a country so stupid as to elect the leaders that they do?
So we’re living through this event. People, animals, economies, systems of all types are going to be screwed over by this event. It won’t just end and we look back and see houses built a year later. We’re not going to grow a bunch new fish on the Today show and ship them in a big truck to New Orleans (they built house frames in Rockefeller Center and shipped them to La.) Whether or not you believe in a higher power, how did they ever think they were going to just rebuild biology? How did they think they allow the possibility of this happening and how do they think they can ever, ever possibly make amends to all of the Earth’s creatures for what they have done?
My friend Chris is a video guru of sorts and he made this video because he felt he needed to do something.
Arizona’s New Law
I found this picture on in reference to Arizona’s new law on illegal immigration. This law requires local and state law enforcement to question people about their immigration status if there’s reason to suspect they’re in the country illegally. The law also makes it a state crime to be in the U.S. illegally. In my opinion this law is violating the natural rights of human beings because your skin color will be enough of a reason to suspect you are in this country illegally. And this is where racial profiling of hispanics will arise. Whatever happened to “States are required to respect and ensure the human rights of all persons subject to their jurisdiction, without discrimination.”? Supporters believe this law will drive many immigrants out of the country on their own. But according to statistics Arizona’s economy is suffering due to this law which anyone can conclude that immigrants are a big contribution to the economy as a whole.
Posted in 2001-present, Cultural History, Economic History
Tagged Arizona, Discrimination, human rights, Immigration
Inauguration of Nelson Mandela as South Africa president
Nelson Mandela is the Nobel peace price recipient in 1991 and the first democratically elected president of South Africa in 1994; a country a country that was ruled for centuries by white minorities .He spent over twenty five years of his life behind bars , and whose only crime was of being black and a human rights advocate during the apartheid era.During the period,the basic rights such as : the right to vote were denied to the native South Africans while the United States of America, a nation that proclaimed itself as the defender of human rights looked the other way.Mandela’s inauguration day was a source of inspiration and pride to millions of youth throughout the African continent.It showed us(the youth) that an African can thrive in a western dominated world if he or she got educated.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Posted in 1989-2000, 2001-present, Uncategorized
Tagged Nelson Mandela, Post 9/11
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H1N1 Pandemic
The H1N1 outbreak was a frightening virus that had many Americans rushing to emergency rooms. The symptoms were general flu type symptons which made it hard to determine whether or not one was sick with the H1N1 flu or the regular flu. Some say the pandemic is not over. Although the United States made the vaccine very accessible to the public there remained a surplus of the vaccine. The attached photo was extracted from the New York Times, the photo was taken by Michael Buholzer/Rueters.
Posted in 2001-present, June 7 assignment, Uncategorized
Tagged illness, panic, unpredictable