Tag Archives: 1963


The Birmingham campaign was a strategic movement organized by the  (SCLC) to bring attention to the unequal treatment black Americans endured in Birmingham, Alabama, the most segregated city in the US in 1963

Organizers, led by Martin Luther King used non-violent direct action tactics to defy laws they considered unfair. King led a massive protest in Birmingham that caught the attention of the entire world, providing what he called a coalition of conscience. After the campaign ran low on adult volunteers, high school, college, and elementary students were trained by SCLC coordinator James Bevel to participate, resulting in hundreds of arrests and an instant intensification of national media attention on the campaign. The campaign used a variety of nonviolent methods of confrontation, including sit-ins at libraries and lunch counters, kneel-ins by black visitors at white churches, and a march to the county building to mark the beginning of a voter-registration drive.To dissuade demonstrators and control the protests the Birmingham Police Department, led by Eugine Connor, used high-pressure water jets and police dogs on children and bystanders. King was among 50 Birmingham residents ranging in age from 15 to 81 years who were arrested on April 12, 1963. It was King’s 13th arrest.

While imprisoned for having taken part in a nonviolent protest, Dr. King wrote the now famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

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March on Washington

March on Washington is a nonviolent civil rights movement happened in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963. This march was led by a black unionist called A. Philip Randolph. The main purpose of this march was to call for the passage of a civil rights bill, on the other hand, this march was also aiming to draw attention on reducing unemployment, an increase in the minimum wage, and a law to prohibit discrimination in employment.

The March on Washington is an important event in American history. During this event, one of America’s greatest leaders; Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his speech “I Have a Dream” meanwhile, this event brought both white and black participants together to fight for racial and economic justice in United States.


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Assassination of John F. Kennedy

From the Library of Congress

  This picture was taken in Novmber 22nd of 1963 in Texas, few minutes before the assassination of president John F. Kennedy. He was shot during his presidential motorride in Dallas by an assassin named Lee Harvey Oswald. This picture can be accessed through the Library of Congress Prints and Photograph division Washington.

This event is significant in American history because he was the forth president to be assassinated, after Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley. His death raised questions and objections for many Americans; even to this day, there are still a lot of conspiracy theories and debates regarding this event.
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