Tag Archives: cultrual identity

Respond to the Voice of Freedom p346 “Triple Identity”

After reading this article, I had and have strong the same feelings. Puwat Chaukamnoethanok has complex cultural identity. As he says, there are two major different kinds of immigrants. One is they immigrate to a new country, because they want to get a better life; the other one is they want to create better education environment and opportunities for their children.

My father has been America for 10 years. I think he wanted to achieve both goals when he came. Although he didn’t graduate from the elementary school, he recognized totally that the education was very important for children’s future.

I had been America for one and half year. I strongly feel racism and discrimination as Puwat feeling because of our physical appearance, influent English, which I never suffered from when I was in China. Before we came to America, they always say that America is a free country, which is full of opportunities. If you work hard, you can be whatever you want to be.

I agree this opinion. When I just came to America, I was not able to talk a full sentence, I couldn’t find a job, and I failed ACT test. I felt extremely frustrated about myself and I wanted to give up, gave up what I wanted to do. But, I didn’t. I kept working hard. I didn’t have off days for myself.

      Because Puwat believes that as a immigrant, we need to work harder, and we can be successful. That’s what Puwat believes, that is also I believe.

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