Tag Archives: free speech movement

Free Speech Movement

The Free Speech Movement at University of California at Berkeley was a student protest that happened during 1964 and 1965. The students insisted that the university administration lift the ban of on-campus political activities and acknowledge the students’ right to free speech and academic freedom.The police arrested 773 students for occupying the administration building.  

Students won in this movement, and  the university chancellor established provisional rules for political activities on the Berkeley campus and opened a discussion area during certain hours of the day. It also made an effort of Ronald Reagan becoming California governor.

The Free Speech Movement had long-lasting effects at the Berkeley campus and was a pivotal moment for the civil liberties movement in The Sixties. Since this event, the students began a wide range of new social movement which had big impacts on the established social system.

Posted in 1960-1968, June 14 assignment | Tagged , , | 2 Comments