Tag Archives: Henry Ford

Henry Ford

During the early 1900s, electricity and more advanced machinery made factories nearly twice as efficient. Perhaps the greatest increase in efficiency came when Henry Ford perfected the assembly-line production method, which enabled factories to churn out large quantities of a variety of new technological wonders, such as radios, telephones, refrigerators, washing machines, and cars. The increasing availability of such consumer goods pushed modernization forward, and the U.S. economy began to shift away from heavy industry toward the production of these commodities.

The automobile quickly became the symbol of the new America. Although Americans did not invent the car, they certainly perfected it. Much of the credit for this feat went to Ford and his assembly-line method, which transformed the car from a luxury item into a necessity for modern living. A big turning point in America. Can you imagine today being without  a car?

This would be in the middle of my movie with triumphful music palying in the background because this was another step America took towards advancement in the industrial world.

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Henry Ford Introduced the Model T, 1909 – My Screenplay

Henry and Model T

The introduction of Model T by Henry Ford was a turning point that put American to start using  popular motor vehicles. Henry’s innovations, including assembly line production and paying his workers a wage proportionate to the cost of the car provided a ready made market for his car to be sold into.

The company was a world’s largest industrial complex along the banks of the Rouge River in Dearborn, Michigan, during the late 1910s and early 1920s. The massive Rouge Plant included all the elements needed for automobile production: a steel mill, glass factory, and automobile assembly line.

The economic system based on mass production and mass consumption came to be called Fordism.

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