Tag Archives: human rights

The Feminine Mystique

Feminism is a movement that stands for equal rights for women and men. For example: right to  greater access to education,  same pay for female and male, a right to plan a family or to initiate a divorce. It first appeared in 1890s, but when USA entered 1960s there was a lot of places where sexual discrimination was visible. Most of  political offices were held by man, universities still limited number of female students, or in few states woman’s earnings were controlled by their husbands.

Public debate over feminism started in 1963 with publication of Betty Friedan’s manifest The Feminine Mystique. It wasn’t her first attempt to raise a discussion about women’s rights though she wasn’t first to do so.

In 1960s legislative process accelerated a little and few laws were passed. Congress passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, and The Civil Rights Act in 1964. Both were standing against sexual (and/or racial) discrimination. In 1966 the National Organization for Women (NOW) was created to help women fight against inequalities.

Sometimes I wonder if our great-grandmothers hadn’t been fighting for their rights were would women be now? Could we make our own decision or we would have to ask for men’ permission? There are still a lot of countries were women’ rights aren’t obeyed, but I believe it will change soon.

Posted in 1960-1968, June 14 assignment, Political history, Social History | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Arizona’s New Law


I found this picture on connectamarillo.com in reference to Arizona’s new law on illegal immigration. This law requires local and state law enforcement to question people about their immigration status if there’s reason to suspect they’re in the country illegally. The law also makes it a state crime to be in the U.S. illegally. In my opinion this law is violating the natural rights of human beings because your skin color will be enough of a reason to suspect you are in this country illegally. And this is where racial profiling of hispanics will arise. Whatever happened to “States are required to respect and ensure the human rights of all persons subject to their jurisdiction, without discrimination.”?  Supporters believe this law will drive many immigrants out of the country on their own. But according to statistics Arizona’s economy is suffering due to this law which anyone can conclude that immigrants are a big contribution to the economy as a whole.

Posted in 2001-present, Cultural History, Economic History | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Gay marriage

This photo was taken at midnight of  May 17, 2004 in Massachusetts. Marcia Hams(with yellow sweater) and her marriage parter Susan Shepherd( with the black jacket) were the first same-sex couple who start the application for their same-sex marriage license. After completeing the application, they were shaking hands with City Clerk D. Margaret Drury in at Cambridge City Hall.

This event is very important for because it means United States starts to accept the same-sex marriage legally.

This photo was taken by  Steven Senne and was published on Associated Press.

Posted in 2001-present, June 7 assignment, Social History | Tagged , , | 1 Comment