Tag Archives: Keating Owen

Keating Owen Child Labor Act, 1916

During the 1900’s children as young as four were employed in production factories with dangerous and often fatal working conditions. There were approximately 2 million children working in mills, mines, fields, factories, stores, and on city streets. Many of these children were under the age of 14. As a result it was important to develope the Keating Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 to protect these children. President Woodrow Wilson signed bill into law on February 29, 1916.

This is the link where the picture can be found: http://www.classbrain.com/artteenst/publish/article_109.shtml

Here is an interesting video on scenes of child labor.


Posted in 1916-1920, June 21 assignment, June 28 assignment | Tagged , , | 2 Comments