Tag Archives: Nicaragua

Iran-Contra Affair

The Iran-Contra Affair was a political scandal revealed in 1986 which related to events that took place earlier in Reagan’s administration. Hezbollah, a political group in Lebanon, had taken numerous Americans hostage. In an effort to increase US-Iranian relations, the US would indirectly sell weapons through Israel to Iran and in turn, Iran would do everything in its power to convince Hezbollah to release the hostages. The plan essentially became an arms-for-hostage affair.

In 1984, Congress banned American aid to the Contras of Nicaragua who were trying to overthrow the communist Sandinista government. Colonel Oliver North along with other high ranking military personnel, devised a plan in which some of the profits from the weapons sale to Iran would be diverted to aiding the Contras. It was widely known that Reagan was a supporter of the Contra cause, but there has never been any proof which shows Reagan authorized the diversion of profits from the weapons sales to the Contras.


Posted in 1969-1988, June 21 assignment, Midterm Exam Review, Political history | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment