History 3072, History of Modern Latin America

The Ebb and Flow of Authoritarianism in Argentina

Women’s Status in Latin America

U.S – Cuba Relations (Past and Present)

US Involvement in Latin America’s Cold War

1870-1920s : Latin America experienced large economic growth

Latin America remained free/independent while most of the world at this time was being controlled by United States or European imperialism. 


1927: US President Calvin Coolidge sent the marines to Nicaragua to enforce the terms of a peace treaty. Sandino says US armed forces and Nicaraguan affairs date back to 1912. “Sandino viewed Coolidge’s move and the ongoing US intervention as a violation of Nicaraguan self government” (Wood, Chapter 7). 


1929: Augusto Sandino formed the Army in defense of the National Sovereignty of Nicaragua to fight the marines and restore self governing. Sandino proposed a Conference be held in Buenos Aires with Latin American Countries’ leaders to form an alliance to combat growing US power. 


Beginning in Brazil in 1964 – 1980s the US government declared its support for the temporary suspension of civilian democratic regimes in the region’s hot spots of guerilla conflict.


1990s: After the Cold War, the US government created a very strong alliance with Latin America in order to combat the rising threat of Social Revolution. The US provided money, weapons, special agents, and occasionally ally troops. 


After Latin American Cold War (continued): The CIA played a great role in the Cold War and the aftermath of the Cold War. This includes the “Special Group” that approved covert operations alongside Presidents Kennedy and Johnson during the years following the Cold War. President Kennedy switched focus to Latin America, particularly Cuba. President Kennedy had to take on many operations when he entered office in 1961 that were started by President Eisenhower. Operations with Cuba involved Fidel Castro but ended during the “Bay of Pigs” after a few months. 


US and Latin America formed alliance at times, but also the covert operations done by the CIA to prevent further war and social revolution.

Cuban History

Cuban & US Relations During The Cold War


Work Cited

Problems in Modern Latin American History (Latin American Silhouettes). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Kindle Edition.

The rise of Castro and the outbreak of revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from https://www.britannica.com/event/Cuban-Revolution/The-rise-of-Castro-and-the-outbreak-of-revolution

Castro and the Cold War. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/comandante-cold-war/

U.S.-Cuba Relations. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-cuba-relations

Nicaraguan Revolution History