
Baldwin and Buckley Debate

At the beginning of Baldwin’s speech, he says there are many different answers to the question and that it can vary based on where you come from or your perspective on reality. Then he talks about the exploitation of blacks in America and how America was built at the expense of labor from them. In Buckley’s speech, he responds by saying that the color of one’s skin has nothing to do with Baldwin’s argument. He uses lots of examples to counter-argue many of Baldwin’s points.

Baldwin Examples –

Ethos: “It seems to me when I watch Americans in Europe that what they don’t know about Europeans is what they don’t know about me.” This is an example of ethos because he went to Europe and saw what the Americans were doing.

Logos: “From a very literal point of view, the harbors and the ports and the railroads of the country – the economy, especially in the South- could not conceivably be what they are if it had not been for cheap labor.” In this example, he uses facts that have historical backing.

Pathos: “It comes as a great shock to discover that the country which is your birthplace and to which you owe your life and identity has not, in its whole system of reality, evolved any place for you.” This example shows his use of emotion to display the tragedy that blacks come to realize.

Buckley Examples:

Ethos: “I urge those of you who have an actual interest in the problem to read “Beyond the Melting Pot”. This is an example of pathos because he sources a book that is relevant to the debate subject which shows he has knowledge on said subject.

Logos: “…Catholics were not allowed to vote in England as late as 1829 and Jews not until 1832…” This is an example of logos because of his use of a historical moment.

Pathos: “I know from your faces that you share with me a feeling of compassion and a feeling of outrage that this kind of thing should have happened.” Here Buckley uses emotion to try and connect with the audience.