Journal #3 – Next Steps

I think the Community Service Project we are doing is great because it really allows us to help others by giving back to our community. Without our librarian, Stephen Francoeur, we may have never found our organization, Housing Works, so I would like to thank him for instructing us about that. He showed us how to find not-for-profit organizations online. He also taught us how to use the Baruch Library Databases. I have used the writing center a few times and I think it has helped me to become a better writer. I have not visited to SACC center yet, but I may do that in the future. I am in the process of joining VITA, a volunteer income tax club so I can assist others in filling out tax returns. Those databases on the library website really come in handy when doing research for classes such as our Introduction to Business class. For my recitation class we have to do a group project on Polo Ralph Lauren and it was difficult at first to locate data and information about the company. But when we found the Business and Company Resource Center in the databases a great amount of information became readily available and it was easier to conduct research for our group research paper. In the future I will be using the databases more often because it is a great resource and I am thankful that we have such a wonderful resource at out fingertips. Based on that discussion we had in Freshman Seminar class a couple of weeks ago, I have come to realize that community service is not just about a letter with numbers on a page saying so and so did this many hours of community service at such and such. It is about widening our understanding about the world around us and helping out where we can.

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One Response to Journal #3 – Next Steps

  1. Maria Guglielmo says:


    I am glad that you are making use of Baruch’s resources. Those databases are pretty helpful for research. Keep up with the community service. Spread your passion for it throughout the campus and to your peers.


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