
  • Assignment 4: Make It Better The latest version of Fun Weapons Corp Invasion is fully released. Complete writeup is submitted on Turnitin.
  • Assignment 4, PT 1: Trailer
    This is the trailer for my game, Fun Weapons Corp Invasion!
  • Assignment 3 This is my project for Assignment 3! Although the game was pretty complicated for me to make, and took me a ridiculous amount of hours, the controls remain very simple. Either click the left mouse button or spacebar to shoot your weapon. Aim for the zombies, and don’t let them destroy your base.
  • Dino Run Game
    This is a Dino Run Game created using Scratch! Avoid the obstacles! Controls:Jump – Press Spacebar, W, or Up ArrowDefeat Hedgehog – Click Hedgehog or Press F
  • Assignment 1
  • Sentimental Childhood Item
    I know that everyone had a stuffed animal that they were probably attached to growing up. I was one of those children. My mom got me a bright blue teddy bear and we named him Cocoony. I’m not sure why, but I would never let go of him.
  • Canva Poster Project, AI Edition
    We were tasked with recreating our original posters using AI tools. While it’s true that AI can make some tasks much easier, it did not handle well with this one. If you couldn’t tell from the image, AI is not good at putting together images cohesively to make one big picture. I had to generate … Read more
  • Canva Poster Project
  • Blog Is Ready For Posts
    I’ve now learned how to properly use the Baruch blogging system and I am prepared to create posts for Entrepreneurship 3952.