NSF GRFP mentorship 2018

Since winning my NSF GRFP, I’ve been coaching fellow graduate students on grant-writing through Rice University’s Center for Written, Oral, & Visual Communication. This year, I worked closely with two students who just received fellowship offers!

Congratulations to Allison Traylor (first year in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and fellow CORE member), and Josh Chen (first year in Bioengineering and fellow Cal alum [Go Bears!]).

CORE Research blog posts

Last semester, two of the wonderful research assistants in my lab interviewed me for our lab blog. In honor of their conscientious investigative work, I am sharing it here. Thank you, Andrea and Lois, for such a thorough and well-written piece!

Update on March 31, 2018:

Lois wrote an additional blog post on the connections between our research and Anne Fadiman’s seminal work, When the Spirit Catches You: and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures. I actually came across this novel after beginning my work in cultural competency and only wish I’d read it sooner. Highly recommended!