SIOP 2019

SIOP is always a great place to reconnect with fellow IO psychologists and cross-pollinate research ideas. This year, I presented three posters on topics:

  • A mixed-methods study on the differences between demographic groups in patient trust and satisfaction,
  • A meta-analysis on cultural training effectiveness, and
  • A two-study project examining factors related to volunteerism after Hurricane Harvey.

One of the true conference highlights was cheering on my friends and colleagues at Rice, who were recognized for their outstanding work: Denise Reyes, Christy Nittrouer, and Evan Mulfinger!

The Southern Management Association’s doctoral consortium

I recently returned from the Southern Management Association’s annual meeting, where I participated in a doctoral consortium. Alongside my labmate Allison Traylor, I was one of a few dozen graduate students who were selected and awarded a small stipend for this career development workshop. We packed our bags and headed to Allison’s home state of Kentucky.

Throughout a day of sessions, faculty members provided insight into a successful academic career in management. SMA offered different levels of consortia, depending on your progress in the doctoral program. I participated in the “late stage” version as a fourth year student, while Allison, in her second year, attended the “early stage” one. We really enjoyed the sessions, particularly the “Ask the Editors” panel (and not just because they mentioned the strong work of Rice’s faculty and alumni). I recommend this to fellow grad students interested in business schools, and will be seeking out similar developmental opportunities in the future!

Pediatric Bioethics Conference

This July, I was honored to present my cultural competency research at the 14th Annual Pediatric Bioethics Conference, hosted by Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics.

I am no bioethicist, but one of my collaborators is an expert in the area and recommended that we submit something, particularly given this year’s theme: “When cultures clash: Navigating ethical disagreements related to diversity.” Indeed, our findings on cultural barriers during end-of-life decision-making fit nicely.

The conference was absolutely delightful, and not only because it was in Seattle during its gorgeous summer. Highlights included: hearing Anne Fadiman‘s opening talk (and being listed opposite her in the program!); attending an intimate speaker’s dinner and getting to know people in the field; and receiving high ratings on my presentation following the event. I can’t say enough good things about this meeting, and hope that I get the chance to return again soon.

SIOP Reviewer’s Choice

The annual SIOP conference is always fun — and this year, the most action-packed yet! Within 24 hours, I co-chaired three symposia, presenting a meta-analysis, a longitudinal quantitative study, and a qualitative project.

While each session was exciting, I was proudest of one of them: “I/O to the Rescue: Managing Crises in the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.”

I organized this symposium in the days immediately after Harvey had swept through my neighborhood — and with the submission deadline on the horizon. In short order, we assembled a collection of papers on preventive science, disaster recovery, and first responder teams. We also included expert insight from my esteemed co-chair Tracey Rizzuto, Ph.D., who experienced and conducted work around Hurricane Katrina. Together, our symposium earned the Reviewer’s Choice distinction, representing the 20 (2%) highest-rated sessions at SIOP.

More valuable than the recognition, however, was the response from the field. It was heartening to see I/O colleagues interested in humanitarian efforts — using our knowledge for good.

SIOP Small Grant Award

I am thrilled to share that I’ve been awarded a Small Grant Award from the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology (SIOP)! Over the next year, they will be funding a portion of my research on cultural competency in healthcare providers.

This marks the first research grant for which I’m the principal investigator — and it’s a special honor being sponsored by my national professional society. Importantly, this work is a team effort, made possible by the incredible efforts of our group at Rice University and collaborators at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, and Minerva Work Solutions. I’m fortunate to be in a position to do the work that moves me, and to be surrounded by people who support me in that process.

In which an I/O ventures into PH: APHA

This November, I attended the annual conference of the American Public Health Association (APHA). It was special for a few reasons.

First, I’d never been to Atlanta, home to the CDC and other major health organizations. It was a lovely experience staying near Olympic Centennial Park; the leaves were changing color and the weather was nice and mild (especially coming from still-sweltering Houston).

Second, it was my first time attending APHA. It’s the major gathering of an absolutely enormous field — so it was more than a little intimidating to navigate on my own. At the same time, I felt very at home in the crowd. Another first-timer and I shared how excited we were over the diversity and representation — all ages, ethnicities, disciplines, education levels. It was such an inclusive atmosphere. Moreover, everyone really cared. The theme of the year was climate change. It felt so affirming to be among people who thought progressively. I never felt like I had to defend why I felt strongly about protecting the environment, advocating for marginalized groups, or other causes close to my heart.

Third, it was my first time attending any conference on my own. It was a thrill to travel solo and get a hotel room all to myself — even if it could get a bit lonely at times. Surprisingly, coincidentally, and fortunately, I ran into a large number of people from Houston, many of whom shared mutual connections with me. I also took advantage of student-based events and socials to meet people.

Fourth, I submitted two posters to the conference — and had both accepted! As someone who is passionate about conducting interdisciplinary research, these presentations were a very meaningful affirmation from another field.

Last but not least, a contribution of mine was awarded a Student Award within the Public Health Education and Health Promotion (PHEHP) area! I was one of ten students honored for my research on cultural competency in healthcare providers. The Awards Luncheon provided inspirational insight into the ways in which we can impact the field and world at large. As an honoree, I also unexpectedly received a fancy plaque, which sent me over the moon with excitement. It’s the simple things. 🙂