Katharine Tubby

A Blogs@Baruch site

Next Steps…

Filed under: Uncategorized — k.tubby at 4:05 pm on Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Looking forward, towards the next four years at Baruch I can confidently say I believe my future here and even further, after graduation will be very bright. The incredible faculty, advisors, and students I have met these past few months have inspired me as well as provided me with the various resources and information necessary for me to chase my dreams. I am in the process of visiting and making use of all the support centers here, as well as the various clubs and teams available. Specifically, I want to become better associated with the STARR Career Development Center as in the upcoming semesters I hope I will further narrow down what I want to be studying as a major/minor. Further, this semester I told myself I would look at a lot of different clubs but refrain from joining anything too quickly as I wanted to fully adjust to college life and work loads before committing myself to anything. In doing this and kind of visiting different clubs I found myself drawn to a number of different clubs and as a result am incredibly excited to start joining different clubs next semester and over the next few years. Specifically, I applied to TEAM Baruch (Freshman Seminar Peer Mentor, or Orientation Leader or Peers for Careers), and am considering joining Pre-Law Society, Sigma Alpha Delta, USG and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. The community service project, that is to be fulfilled next semester, has not only drawn me closer to some of my fellow Scholars but further has reinforced the importance of giving back and forever being thankful for the everyday things we have. Overall, my first semester at Baruch as a Scholar has been better than I could’ve ever imagined. Of course, there have been very stressful moments and hardships have come up however, I have never felt more grateful for the endless opportunities I have here that I simply would not have at another college. Not only am I looking forward to learning new things, joining new clubs, having various internships and studying abroad but further, I’m looking forward to sharing new memories with a group of individuals who are brilliant and have a genuine desire to help others.

What does it mean to serve your community?

Filed under: Uncategorized — k.tubby at 4:54 pm on Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I was raised in a home where my parents always encouraged my siblings and me to give back. Although, we didn’t grow up in an over-the-top, extravagant home with very fancy things, we were never to take for granted what we did have.

In my sophomore year of high school, one of my friends told me that he wanted to start up a Red Cross club in our school. I was intrigued and also excited about the idea, and by my junior year, the club was up and running. I decided to really throw myself into the club and apply for the position of Vice President, which I was ultimately given.

In the fall of my junior year, Hurricane Sandy mercilessly tore through the North East leaving many people, even several of my close friends with thousands of dollars in damage and lost possessions. Living in a Zone B area, thankfully, the worst of my family’s worries was being without electricity for five days. However, in neighborhoods no more than a ten-minute walk from my house this wasn’t the case. As a result, I contacted a local disaster relief organization named “Gerritsen Beach Cares” where I along with a group of about 6-8 club members would volunteer nearly every Saturday. Not only was it one of the most fun experiences I’ve had but it was certainly one of the most rewarding as well. Seeing and speaking with people that had near to nothing but still had hope and smiles on their faces was truly remarkable.

To me, this is what it means to serve my community. For me, seeing people that had lost so much right next door to me, where by chance I was fortunate enough not to, drove me to “serve my community.” It sparked a fire in me that I believe (and hope), will last a lifetime. I’m not by any means saying its wrong to want things (as we all do) however, I never want to become so wrapped up in my own desires that I lose sight of those around me. Within the walls of Baruch, I think we all have a responsibility to be a friend and confidant when ever one of our classmates needs it; we are all essentially in the same places in our lives and we’ve all experienced hard times when we needed someone to lean on. Outside of school, in our communities, I think it’s incredibly important that we volunteer time to helping out various organizations we are passionate about. The stress placed on service through the Honors Program does a great job of encouraging a mix of both these forms of service.

Where Have You Been and Where Are You Going?

Filed under: Uncategorized — k.tubby at 12:05 am on Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hey guys! My name is Katharine Tubby. To start, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. Brooklyn is truly where my heart is. I’ve always loved that I’m no more than a short train ride from the city’s bright lights and great shopping. Further, I love that with every turn in the city, there is something new to be seen and/or discovered.

My family and friends have certainly played an incredible role in my life thus far. I am so fortunate to constantly be surrounded by people who genuinely want to see me thrive. My dad has always pushed me to strive for nothing short of excellence while my mom constantly inspires me to chase my dreams no matter how big they may be. My mother is truly an incredible woman, and one of my very best friends. My two siblings drive me insane constantly, but the bond we share is like none other; and to top all this off, I have the very best friends a girl could ever ask for. All of these people have taught me to believe in myself and to never settle for less than I deserve.

As for college, well, I never thought I would be having as much fun as I am. There are certainly times when the work piles up, however, I have learned so many new ideas/concepts and have done so along side some of the most incredible people. As for goals, I’m hoping to narrow down my vision and figure out what exactly I want to major in, as well as succeed academically in all my classes. As my college years progress I am hoping to form lifelong friendships, as well as grow as an individual.