Welcome to my blog site!
Take a look instead my mind and explore the pieces that I have written throughout my time in english 2150!
Though writing is not my greatest skill, I am willing to learn and improve so please bear with me if some of my writing is not the best lol.

Get to know me!
I am a freshman at Baruch College, majoring in accountancy and I was born and raised in Manhattan. I absolutely love living here and every aspect of the city. From the countless personalities on the streets to the plethora of activities you can spontaneously do, I truly believe there is no place like New York.
I have 2 older twin sisters both in CUNY’s too. One goes to Hunter College (majoring in Human Biology), and the other in City College (majoring in Computer Science). I would say we all have very distinct personalities haha. My parents immigrated here around the late 80’s to early 90’s so we are all first generation children.
During my free time I usually find things to do like walk around the city, find a cafe, or grab food!
I love music and concerts! I’ve been to a few and my favorite was the Big Steppers Tour because my favorite artist is Kendrick Lamar.
I used to be really into photography so I would go around the city taking pictures with my pops but I haven’t had time to pick up my camera recently. I enjoy people watching and seeing how interesting New Yorkers are. I also had a phase where I was really into art, street art specifically. I find it really interesting how creative some people are, especially how they put their mind into producing art. And although my dad is no longer with me, I thank him for inspiring me and shaping some of my interests. I really want to start photography again so I can capture more timeless moments and create a portfolio I can look back on when I get older. Similarly, I think this blog site was a great idea. I’m excited on what this will become and how future Katherine will react to re-reading some of the old pieces she worked on.
Thank you for reading!
Contact information:
- School Email: Katherine.liu2@baruchmail.cuny.edu
- Personal Email: Kxtherine22@gmail.com