What is Graphic Design?

Read the linked article, What is Graphic Design? Write two complete paragraphs in response to the article. In the first paragraph, discuss what the article made you think of and/or how it contributed to your understanding of visual communication and graphic design. In the second paragraph, pose a question that you’d like to ask the author–and propose a possible answer to your question.

Name your post “What is Graphic Design” and “categorize” your post by checking the box next to Homework 1. The category checkbox is to the bottom right when you’re writing your post.

Be sure to type your name at the beginning of your post.

3 thoughts on “What is Graphic Design?

  1. Ector Xagoraris
    Analysis of Article: What is Graphic Design?
    It is important to first point out at the beginning of this analysis that the idea of defining artistic communication is not as black and white as some people can make. It is in my understanding that there is a gradient, a spectrum if you will, as to the ability to convey a message in its intended way while also considering alternative ways it can be perceived. There is truth to the fact that there is are many forms to graphic design as in this day and age there are various outlets society gets it’s information whether it be through the internet, displayed in an exhibit, or as the article puts it, postage that shows up in your mailbox. Being a graphic designer does not always entail creating a physical work such as a painting or a flyer for a start-up business. When I was in art school a couple of years ago we had an assignment to create a doorway using cardboard and string. The point of the assignment was not only to create to the create the doorway, but to create an experience as one moves through the doorway. This can be construed as the producing systems to be experienced over time as the article discusses verbatim.
    Reading this article where there is an emphasis on a wide range of design brings up the following question. While it is hard to accurately define something that is not analytical, can graphic design be considered any form of manipulation of nature? While being a subjective question a subjective answer will be provided. All aspects of life convey messages and our unique perception interpret them in an assorted amount of ways. There is truth in the phrase “a picture says a thousand words.” A designer can alter any aspect of their perception on life and true skill shows when they can get others to experience their unique perception.

  2. Velez Christian
    “What is Graphic Design”
    Homework 1

    Oh, so this is graphic design? By the time I had finished reading the article, I realized how amiss I was on my understanding in graphic design. Although the whole article was very informative, there was one piece of information that really stood out for me. Cezzars’s explanation on the different experiences in respect to a design’s fixed content, opened my mind to understanding the importance of the design work—how all details must be taken into account for the design to be expressed by the target—to create a “relationship with the brand”, Juliette Cezzars. Our world has reached a point where visual communication can target thousands of people in an instant with graphic designs. Therefore, you want to ensure to give your target the total experience of a design.

    In your article you mentioned that titles are constantly evolving, and that these change contribute to the rapid change in the industry. My question is, how and why are these titles changing? Is it due to the advancements in technology? Or is it because a designers thoughts on modern creativity?

    I would argue that technology has helped us express our creativity like no other time in history. Yet designers need to always find a unique way to express their imagination in a way that impacts the audience. It is really not the tittles that are evolving but the way we visually communicate our ideas with others. You really never know when a new creation will be experienced and interpreted as modern creativity.

  3. Shantel Alfred
    What is Graphic Design?

    Before reading the article I was not really sure what graphic design was but it’s become clear after the article. I usually pass lots of building on my daily commute, but never stopped to wonder how long did it take to design that logo . Which is an important part of any company, it’s how some people remember a company. What really stood out of the article for me was how many different ways graphic design is used and it all starts with a typeface.

    My question for Cezzar would be how does a person get their foot in the door to be a graphic designer. The question was answered with a link to an article on how to find your first job. Which is useful, and in this article went into the many different titles a graphic designer may have.

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