Grading contract

Final grades will be determined according to the following contract. As with any contract, please read carefully before signing. I’ll countersign and return a copy to you for your files. If for some reason you feel that you need to renegotiate your contract, please contact me as soon as possible and before the end of the semester.

To achieve an A in the course, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Arrive on time for every class meeting with the work completed and the materials needed for that day. Up to three absences will not affect your grade.
  • Complete all writing assignments and hand in on time, and submit writing that is thoughtful, challenging, and mostly free of grammatical or typographical errors.
  • Participate thoughtfully, respectfully, and consistently in class, in large and small groups, demonstrating your careful reading of the text we’re discussing.
  • Demonstrate active listening skills—in other words, really hear your classmates, and respond substantively to their ideas.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to respond to my feedback as well as peer feedback on your writing.
  • Attend the individual essay conference scheduled at the end of the semester.
  • Attentively revise and proofread your writing assignments.
  • Complete a reflection on the progress of your writing and participation at midterm and completion of the course.


To achieve a B in this class, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Arrive on time to every class meeting, with the work completed and the materials needed for that day, with up to four absences.
  • Complete all writing assignments thoughtfully, and hand all but one in on time.
  • Participate thoughtfully and respectfully in class, showing evidence you’ve read our text carefully.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to respond to my feedback as well as peer feedback on your writing.
  • Attend the individual essay conference scheduled at the end of the semester.
  • Attentively revise and proofread your writing assignments.


To achieve a C in this class you must meet the following requirements:

  • Arrive on time to every class meeting, with the materials needed and the work completed for that day, with up to five absences.
  • Complete all writing assignments, and hand in all but two on time.
  • Participate thoughtfully and respectfully in class, demonstrating you’ve done the reading.
  • Respond to some feedback on your writing.


A grade of D will be assigned if you miss more than five class meetings; miss more than one writing assignment; participate disrespectfully or unthoughtfully, or choose not to participate at all.


A grade of F will be assigned if you submit plagiarized work; accrue more than six absences; miss more than two writing assignments; do not participate; and/or fail to submit the final paper.



Student Signature



Professor Signature