Sep 25

If there’s anything that I’ve learned in the eighteen years of my life, it is that “working hard” definitely beats “hardly working” in the long run. After numerous encounters with meeting deadlines that threaten to devour my GPA, I finally learned that work must always come before play. For the sake of this journal entry, and for ease of access, my dear reader, I will tackle the question from this perspective: What is your drive and motivation?

Growing up as an Asian-American, I’ve always had to face the stereotype of perceived intelligence that is attached to the word “Asian.” Societal pressures (along with perpetual pressure from parents) created a stifling environment in which it was difficult for me to grow and excel. I for one, am not obedient and I often think of myself as the most rebellious child. Because of my refusal to meet the demands of my parents I often skimped on my studies, choosing instead to squander my time pursuing idleness. It became a cycle, eventually developing into bad habit.

So what caused me to change? To improve? To wave that white flag of surrender? To finally decide to truly apply myself? Beats me. But perhaps it was desperation and fear. Fear of the mediocre, desperation to be someone better, someone that could stand out above the rest.

I hope that this drive and ambition to succeed, not for my parents nor for anyone other than myself, will carry me through my time here at Baruch. I don’t expect mercy in terms of a light workload or lax professors, but I do expect this to be a “college experience.” A time of good friends, good fun, but most importantly mutual growth in knowledge, maturity, and success.

I will succeed in accomplishing my goals. Setting the bar high, but trusting that if there is a will behind what I do, then there is most definitely a way for me to do it. I refuse to settle for mediocrity, but instead continue and push on toward success. The wise words of Drizzy Drake ring true in the quiet of the night. “Started from the bottom. Now we’re here.”

Leon Jon. Over and Out.

9 comments so far

  1. 1 Dashachka
    9:44 pm - 9-28-2013


    I’ve been that rebellious child, haha. You’ve let it all out of your system, so now there’s really nothing to hold you back.

    You definitely gave your very own style of writing. Hopefully writing more is somewhere in your list of things necessary for success, because it will take you a long way.

    Your drive is obvious just from the way you carry yourself in person. You’ve got the “woo” so to say.

  2. 2 Jessica Toib
    7:13 pm - 10-1-2013

    Leon, I’m sure that your new found drive will take you far! I’ve noticed that you have already been applying yourself well. I see success in your path.I’m looking forward to become a friend as we mutually grow through volunteer work.

  3. 3 Pamela Ozga
    7:44 pm - 10-1-2013

    I am actually the rebellious child or as my parents like to call me, “satan.” But I know exactly what you’re saying when you mean idleness had sometimes taken over and desperation caused you to succeed. Fearing being not good enough/mediocre has always been a fear of mine, but I can tell you’re super smart and don’t have much to worry about.

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