
  • Chat Bot
  • Assignment #2
  • Paraplegic Motorized driver assister
  • 3D Gameboy Color Model
  • Favorite Childhood Toy
    GameBoy Color Released in 1998, the Gameboy Color (Sketch above), quickly became my favorite toy growing up, not only because it was a gift from my childhood best friend, but also because it kept me occupied for countless hours during a period of my life where my family kept moving from one apartment to another.
  • Useless Kitchen Utensil
    This is a classic rolling pin (typically used to flatten dough) with multiple knife “teeth” attached to the main body In order to design a useless product, i thought to myself, “how can I combine two typical kitchen utensils in a way where they cancel out their product purpose”. A rolling pin, flattens, and knifes,… Continue reading Useless Kitchen Utensil
  • Assignment 1