Reading: McLuhan, The Medium is the Massage


"The Others"

One part of Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium is the Massage" really stands out to me: "in an electric information environment, minority groups can no longer be contained and ignored." It's clear from what McLuhan says that minorities can't be ignored any longer because of the growth of modern technology like the internet. People are noticing them.

We know that the internet links everyone together. Things get shared quickly, and people from all walks of life can talk about their lives. This gives people from minority groups who may not have had a voice before a chance to speak out and demand attention.

He also says, "Too many people know too much about each other." This is proof of how linked we've become. For better or worse, social media and the internet make it so that we all know a lot about each other. It also makes us more aware of each other's problems and lets us help each other.

And when McLuhan says, "our new environment compels commitment and participation," he means that technology makes us want to take part. We're told to do something to make a change, like sign petitions, share information on social media, or go to protests.

It's easy to understand what McLuhan means when he says that technology has made the world smaller and more linked. People from minorities are being heard, and our stories are becoming more known to each other. This means we need to support each other and work for a society that is more fair and open to everyone.

Even though McLuhan's ideas may seem hard to understand, they are really just about realizing that we are all people and using technology to make the world a better place for everyone.

“The Others”

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