Teaching Post 2

First Weeks of October,


The past few classes have been rough. Students have not been reading. Yesterday, they were supposed to have read and purchased the Penguin edition of Nella Larsen’s, Passing, and only about 6 or so students out of a class of 20 had the book. It was very disappointing. This was the only book I had them buy and everything else I have given them.

Conversation was hard since only about four students were actively speaking. I think I will have to start giving quizzes now as well. Also some students have been very disrespectful in terms of laptop use and talking. One day, I was trying to start class and two pairs of boys acted as if I was saying nothing. I’ve been increasingly finding that I have to change my tone in order for them to not be rude and disrespectful.

Overall, I’m having a rough couple of weeks with class and participation.