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Cabin in the woods

The Cabin in the Woods, was a movie which incorporated many monsters of different origins. Some of which include werewolves, aliens, mutants, wraiths, zombies, clowns, witches, and mummies. The list goes on, in the movies these monsters are all secured and trapped in boxes like prisoners. It incorporated how humans are always so curious, by letting them choose an item as an experiment to see which monster would come to kill them. It was a movie that was funny, and scary at both the same time. The scary part of the film was partially when the monster the campers have chosen previously was killing them off.

However within the movie I believe that the real monsters are the scientists in charge of the entire operation. They keep monsters all locked up in cages waiting to be sent up to the surface to kill the campers as a sacrifice. The scientists watch as everything happens through cameras that they have set up around the campsite. They also use gadgets to help the monsters kill all the campers, such as blocking the cave, which was the only way in or out and unlocking the doors to their cabin. In the end the scientists weren’t so lucky as the campers found the entrance into their operations’ base, which was located under the campsite. When they got down they mistakenly released all the monsters from their so-called cells. They all go on a rampage killing anyone they saw.20130912024757!The_Monsters_(The_Cabin_in_the_Woods)

Some questions that come up when I watched this movie was: Who was really the monster or monsters in the film? Do monsters necessarily have to be inhuman or can they be humans? Why did they make the film in a way that sacrifices were needed for the greater good of mankind? This made me wonder what would have happened if the sequence of events went differently.


Gamera was known as “the original mutant turtle” when it first appeared on the big screen in 1965. Its title came from the second issue of the Gamera: The Guardian of the Universe comic. Gamera was a species of ancient prehistoric turtles that lived on the earth around 8,000 years ago. The size of Gamera was similar to that of Godzilla, which is estimated to be about 100-150 meters. Gamera was known as both a hero and a monster in the world of film, where he brought both destruction and happiness to the people of Japan. It was first awakened from his deep slumber by an atomic blast in the Artic. It consumed flames and other radioactive substances as food. After his awakening, it unexplainably goes on a rampage destroying towns and cities. Until, it met a boy, Toto, who lived on a small fishing island off the coast of japan. This changed everything, Gamera protected this boy with the cost of his life, by sacrificing himself to destroy evil kaiju (monsters) that began to appear. When Gamera successfully saved the boy, Gamera became a hero known as “friend to all children in the world”. Toto was left with an egg and shiny stone beside it.


The origins of Gamera were different between the two series of movies. One of which was created during the Showa era of films, which was explained in the paragraph above. The other was created in the Hesei era of films, in which Gamera was one of the many creatures created by the lost city of Atlantis to defend the human race against other kaiju (monsters) that were capable of wiping out the world. Some questions that Gamera brings up are: Can it really be considered a monster if he is kind at heart? Is it considered a monster even though it is an oversized tortoise? Can it be a monster if it wasn’t the only one of its species? Is Gamera a monster even though it was created to protect the earth?


Clowns, a comedic entertainer usually found in circuses, parties, and other celebrations. To many people clowns bring joy and laughter to their faces. Clowns do not seem harmless due to their big red smile, and their colorful outfits. However, to me they are something to be feared. Since I was a little kid I have always been afraid of clowns. I was traumatized because of the 1990 film, It, where the villain was a clown named Pennywise. This clown was unlike other clowns because only children can see it, where it would feed off them after drawing them close. This film contributed to my fear of clowns, as I once thought that all clowns eat children. Ever since my fear for clowns grew I have never approached a clown again, even if they offered me balloons, and other goodies.

Recently I have read a news article about a clown spotted in the borough of Staten Island, holding balloons and snooping around. This brought fear to the residents of Staten Island where he would be seen at night. Pictures of the clown have flooded social media networks. He was finally unmasked, and assured to the community that it was just a publicity stunt for a movie. Even though I don’t live in Staten Island if I saw the clown I would have turned and ran for my life.

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(Staten Island Clown)

The topic of Clowns being a monster brings up many questions. Can human in costumes be considered a monster? Can a monster be real or is it something you make up in your imagination? Is a monster something you fear or is it just a thought? Does it have to be big ugly and scary to be considered a monster? Can a monster have good characteristics? Do monsters have to give off a sense of fear? What is the definition of a monster?