We mentioned the bxRecommender trial a while ago.
The trial will in fact start this Friday, April 29 and will last 60 days.
Some additional information:
bX Recommender is a service from Ex Libris which generates usage-based recommendations for related scholarly materials. (Recommendations appear below Find it! menu links, similar to Amazon’s “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought”). Ex Libris mines customers’ SFX log files, which is data largely unique to academic libraries, to build a data set processed with analytic tools and to develop the recommendations found in the bX Recommender service.
While the data is aggregated from actual searches, this process is anonymized to protect end user and institutional confidentiality.
Users at CUNY campus libraries will view all recommendations available through the bX Recommender service, both those the institution has in full-text and others we may not.
Please encourage end-users to test it out and let me know what they and you think.