Reference at Newman Library

New database: Simmons OneView

We recently acquired Simmons OneView, an online decision-making system intended to assist marketers with determining a wide range of potential marketing considerations through the customization of creating crosstab reports. Surveying US and local populations by asking questions about themselves (demographics and psychographics), products and services used, and media outlets accessed, the system allows marketers to pose a variety of questions to gauge marketing potential.

Aside from Adults, other studies available include Top 10 DMA, Teen, Kids, and Hispanics. With the most recent data being Fall 2010, there is a two year lag behind in data available to academic institutions versus corporate. Please note there is a limit to 5 users at a time.

For quick tutorials on using SimmonsOneView, consult the “Resources” section. Look for an announcement about training sessions to be organized in the coming weeks.

Introducing Mintel Oxygen and Global Market Navigator

Adding to the market research reports found in such databases as and Euromonitor, we have acquired Mintel Oxygen.

Mintel Oxygen reports and news commnetaries cover the UK, Europe, US and international consumer markets in such industries as food, beverage, apparel, beauty and personal, retail, travel and more.  Rather than provide a broad overview of such markets, Mintel reports are distinguished for offering insights on niche markets which are often difficult for researchers to obtain, let alone carve out.

As a complementary product, Mintel Global Market Navigator (GMN), offers ready access to global industry data and country socio-economic information in downloadable formats for users to easily grab and incorporate in their reports.

Please share these widely with Baruch faculty and students global consumer market and industry data or country socio-economic information.

Green Consumerism -new book and proposed new FTC guidelines

Tuesday night the Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity hosted the third panel discussion of the year of the Sustainability Practice Network.  It was taped so it will be added to the digital collection.

It was a most interesting discussion, moderated by Jacquelyn A. Ottman, who also signed copies of her new book: The New Rules of Green Marketing: Strategies, Tools and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding.  A copy of the book was donated to the library, and it will be added to the collection. Ms. Ottman has written extensively and consulted on “green marketing.”  (We have her first book, from 1993.)

The panelists agreed that it is often difficult to know what questions one should ask about “green” goods.  There are more than 400 separate certifications  as to different products and goods. One panelist, a lawyer, works with the Better Business Bureau’s Advertising Review and  Monitoring Services, which was a new service to me.

Also, I learned that the Federal Trade Commission  has proposed new green guidelines.

Many Baruch students attended the program.