Reference at Newman Library

NY Metro Area ACS Geodatabase

We are now offering a value-added GIS census product through the Baruch Geoportal. The NY Metro ACS Geodatabase (NYMAG) contains geographic features and 2005-2007 American Community Survey data tables for the entire New York Metropolitan Area. Users will be able to download this geodatabase and use it with ArcGIS software to create thematic maps of census data at the public use microdata area (PUMA) geographic level. PUMAs are geographic areas that are useful surrogates for the city’s community districts or neighborhoods. Outside the city, PUMAs are subdivisions of counties.

The geodatabase, complete with user documentation and an example map, is available for download from the Baruch Geoportal at:

Intermediate to advanced GIS users are the intended audience for this database. Hopefully we can roll out a simplified Google Maps interface for novices and non-GIS users sometime in the future. There are no access restrictions – anyone can download it, but will need access to GIS software in order to use it. The geodatabase is in Microsoft Access format which means that anyone with Microsoft Office can work with the data tables, but they won’t be able to use the geographic features without GIS software.

Many thanks to Clint Newsom who worked this summer as a GIS intern on this project – he is largely responsible for making it all happen. Clint is now back at the Information School at the University of Michigan, wrapping up his Info Studies degree.