Reference at Newman Library

MapPluto Tax Lot / Parcel GIS Data

Over the summer the NYC Dept of Planning changed course and started providing their MapPluto product – a GIS dataset with boundaries of every tax parcel and detailed attributes like zoning, land use, land value, building descriptors, and administrative identifiers – for free. Previously the dataset cost $300 for each borough and had very tight restrictions on use. Now anyone can download the latest version from their website.

We had purchased a copy of the 2008 MapPluto data for all five boroughs, and I handled the few requests I had via email. But now that the restrictions are off I’m providing free access to it on the Baruch Geoportal. The data is in shapefile format and can be used in any GIS system (ArcGIS, QGIS, etc.). There is one file for each borough. At this point it’s useful for historic purposes; users who want the latest data should go directly to the City’s website.