— Patricia Alvarado
The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid was honestly my favorite text in this whole course. I have always had interest in Middle Eastern studies , even though not being Middle Eastern myself. The reason is because of all the rich history and culture the Middle East and North Africa have. But reading the ‘The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid’ it is clear that many of these countries had the foreign influence through colonization and was being stripped of it’s culture and way of life which I stated in our class. It is similar to how America, England and other treat the Middle East now when we go in to start wars we don’t even have apart in. As well as, inserting leaders that cause destruction for these countries and just implementing different heads of power as if these peoples lives are just chess pieces. These countries are losing their people daily look at Palestine, Syria, Libya and many other countries. Those countries are having these wars and their homes are being destroyed because of our governments. They are not just chess pieces that are people. When the narrator in ‘The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid ‘ said “When my son’s son passes out of school and the number of young men with souls foreign to our own increases, then perhaps the water -pump will be set ip and the agricultural scheme pit into being- maybe the the steamer will stop at our village under the doum tree of Wad Hamid”. What the narrator means in my perspective is that if his town is to change , he wishes that is changes once the generation that has lived there at the current time has passed on so that they do not have to go through their home having a total reformation and change all in one shot. Once the foreigners over lap to number of people native to that town. When their lives are completely different to the way the town used to be before the English came, before the innovation before there way of life was turned upside down.