Thesis Statement: prompt # 1 (Ying)

The idea of enlightenment, autonomy, and reasoning shaped how people should behave in society since 1600s. The 16th century philosopher Immanuel Kant gave the answer to what is enlightenment and what influence people unable to be enlightened. People wanted to be enlightened, however, some society’s rational orders impede people from achieving enlightenment. These ideas can be reflected in Ueda Akinari’s Bewitched of how family’s rational order restricted a person from enlightening oneself. In the story, Taro and his father represent the rational order of their family who make decisions and Toyo-o is the person who under the strict control of his family. Although Toyo-o’s life is comfortable under his family’s normalized and rational order, Toyo-o is never capable of achieving Kant’s idea of enlightenment, that Toyo-o’s ability of autonomy, reason, and right of freedom is deprived by such rational order.

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