The Judgment By Franz Kafka —–Juhui Chen

In the story “The Judgment” written by Franz Kafka, it talks about the Georg’s complex relationships of his family and friend. The relationship between Georg and the friend doesn’t like the normal friendship because they never don’t meet each other, they just communicate through the letters. Georg and his friend are both business man, but they have totally different life traces and experiences. Georg was successful in doing business, and has an engagement with Frieda, and start getting into a happy family. By the contrary, Georg’s friend has the opposite life track. He is in the foreign country Russia and doing the business, but his business doesn’t run well. He’s in a bachelorhood, he doesn’t have a good social skill and relationship the people surround him. The existence of George’s friend might be problematic because he threatens Georg and his Frieda’s relationship. Georg is really hesitated when his fiancée asks him to invite his friend to join their wedding. Georg’s hesitation made Frieda feel curious and doubtful that why George doesn’t what his friend know their marriage. George’s reaction finally made Frieda feel offended. Frieda thinks George might want to hide something and doesn’t want to tell her the truth. Also, the existence of the friend threatens the relationship between Georg and his father, his father doubts the existence of Georg’s friend which break out a quarrel between them. Georg’s father thinks that Georg is deceiving himself. After reading this story, I think Georg’s friend is not really exist. His friend might be an illusion which Georg wants to be. Because he was growth up under his father’s strict control, and he has to facing different pressure from daily life. He might feel tired, and stressful, that’s why there would be an illusion in his mind. He images that he has a friend who has the opposite situation with him, the failure and unsatisfactory life might make Georg find a little bit confidence which shows that he’s not the worst.

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