Ballet Mecanique and Un Chien Andalou (Ziyi)

Ballet Mecanique is a short black and white silent film without any main characters dialogue or clear clue of plots. The movements of the objects are dynamic and randomly cut. The screens are suddenly zoom in or out. Also, the shoots of figures are only part of the human body, for example, lip, eyes, or face. I could hardly tell or summarize this film by reasons that is beyond our ordinary film mode. The idea of this work could still be interpreted as a “breaking rules” casual creation, which could be understood by the Dadaist’s ideas. That is, to abolish the traditions, logic, rules, and structures. The director shares the impact of  Dadaist’s idea in his film making and shows his unique aesthetic way of understanding the art and world.

Un Chien Andalou is also a silent film sharing the ideas of surrealist, but this one no like Ballet Mecanique, has characters and plots going through. Still, I could not fully comprehend the meanings of each story that the director tries to express in this film. At the beginning, the man holds the shaver and steps into deep thought. I feel like he is going to hurt or kill himself or somebody and I wonder why it is a shaver not a knife. Later, he uses the shaver to hack the eye of a young woman with the interspersing scene of cloud blocking the noon. I guess this scene of night is just a metaphor of the female’s losing light. To be honest, I feel this part is sick and too real. The later appearance of the man wearing the housemaid like clothes, the man with ants crawling, and the dead monkeys shows the shock towards religion, sexuality, class, and traditions. Overall, the film expresses the conflicts between the old and new, and the cross between dream and reality.


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