Charles Chaplin Modern Times(Mark)

modern time is a film based on the Great Depression happened in the 90s, where many people were suffering from unemployment and difficult financial situations in their life.  The protagonist in this story played by Charles Chaplin is a factor worker who is constantly screwing machine part one after another and even become insane at a certain point when he couldn’t handle the face paced tasks in the factory. it demonstrates the social trend under an industrialized city, the creation of new machines are supposed to help workers to be less stressful and become more enjoyable at work, however, turn out these middle-class workers are suppressed by those machines even harder as they must keep up the productivity of the factory, while the owner is sitting in his office and monitoring  those employee’s task. 

one of the most intriguing facts of this film is that while the character’s dialogues are mainly silenced, there are few times where the characters actually speak out loud, and all of them is speaking with a tone of freedom and liberty.  In a time where many people are forced to work in a harsh place, it is quite necessary to get rid of anxiety and frustration on a daily basis.  As the protagonist keep experiences failure at his work, he met a girl who has lost her home and almost starving to death, and the connection of the two shows the true love humanity which the entire society was missing. the fact that everyone’s goal is trying to more productive and earn more money and doesn’t care about the any relationships with others.  It is rare for a man to take a crime blame for a stranger who has been never met before. but the film directly showcases it and even separates these two characters to embrace the cold rational society.  where the love and kindness still exist in the Depression.

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