Modern Times. [Aaron Lai]

Modern times.


The background of Modern times was happened during the time when county was facing modernization and industrial revolution. Charlie Chaplin was a great actor because he used his exaggerate body language to express his emotion, which is more powerful than voice. Body language is a universal language around the world no matter where do you come from. When Charlie Chaplin was working on product line, he was repeating the same movement. Even when he has done his work, he was still repeating the same action. His action looked ridiculous and funny but it impressed me because work has became part of his daily life. Even when he saw the fire hydrant on the street, he could not help to twist he screws. Although it is a silent movie, there still some scenes show language. At the beginning of movie, the president made order to his worker when he was supervising them. When Chaplin was smoking in the bathroom, the president found him by the camera and shout to him. Also, at the later of the film, Chaplin was singing in the restaurant, he totally forgot the lyrics but his improvised sounds beautiful to audience. This reminds me of dadalism which means nonsense and illogic, but sometimes it just works. This shows that people enjoy something is disorder and nonsense.


We felt funny because Chaplin’s body language was funny and he can express his emotion, like anger, boring and passion. However, If the audience saw bunches of machine and robots was working on the product line, it would not be funny. Robots and technology can increase productivity but their actions are stiff because they are manipulated by program and they can never have emotion like human beings. That’s why the silent movie can impress audience and it is important to our society.

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