Close Article Reading: Revolutions and love through the firm named Moulin Rouge (Junmo Koo)

One of the greatest accomplishments, industrial revolution, was not come from technologies. Normally, when we think about the industrial revolution, we easily believe it is all about technologies’ improvements, but actually it is not true.  It could be poetry, love story, romantic, and so forth. Therefore, we cannot conclude the industrial revolution within this general ideas. I know the revolution had changed many things like stream engine and diesel train, but it still surprised me that poetry affected that revolution too. During the 18th and 19th century in Europe and America, many revolutions: French, industrial, and European, brought different outcomes that not only implied human’s equality and right, but also inspired new ideas of poetry’s directions like Bohemian style. Briefly talk about Bohemian style, it is not limited and biased. Bohemian style indicates freestyle and free actions that they were always willing to do the new subjects like romantic poetry. According to the Harper Douglas’s Bohemian etymology, “Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, with few permanent ties, involving musical, artistic, literary or spiritual pursuits. The word bohemian firstly appeared in the English language in the nineteenth century to describe the non-traditional lifestyles of marginalized and impoverished artists, writers, journalists, musicians, and actors in major European cities.” Likewise, many revolutions inspired artists and writers to do something new or untouched subjects.

Among the best movies in my life, Moulin Rouge, is showing about love, romantic, poetry, tragic, and fun. This movie’s background is in Moulin Rouge in French during the 19th century. The Main character, Christian, is a poet and writer. He is pursuing love story rather than old father’s traditional way. In the movie, Christian was inspired by Bohemian and industrial revolution that all his writings and poetries were tending a new romantic story. Of course, he had talent in writing skills so that he was able to attract the main actress, Satine. Although, Christian’s father wanted him to keep studying about something profitable works, the passion of Christian’s desire could not dampen his father’s old fashion mind. The most beautiful women in Moulin Rouge, Satine, was died by serious disease. She worked at Moulin Rouge gentlemen club and sold her virginally to males whom had a lot of money. This was doubt to me and questioned “what makes her to work in there” that I believed the circumstances and situations pushed her to die. Basically, in the movie, I see the materialism and elitism that it created typical circumstance and made people to believe “money and authority are the best”. According to the European Enlightenment, absolute monarchy was not able to stand anymore. People sought and fought for freedom and liberty. However, in the Moulin Rouse, it was rarely to see that actions. Maybe, I think Moulin Rouse was the most vulgar places in France.

Lastly, thinking about the movie Chaplin and Moulin Rouse, both have similar circumstances that both are seeking more goods and money. In the Chaplin, industrial revolution was essential and unemployment rate was dramatically high. Lower people must follow the upper class people like officers. Moreover, satires made the movie more fun. Much similar in the Moulin Rouse, all lower people are dreaming and thinking about new goods and money. Perhaps, in this movie, goods are women and money is the authority like power of duke. Also I felt more like musical when I was watching this movie that it made the movie more fun as well as Chaplin story.

As I mentioned above, revolutions: bohemian, industrial, French, European, were created something for new and better life for people. However, in Chaplin and Moulin Rouse movie, still problems were not solved and kept asking about money and power of authority again. Personally, I like both stories and it was great opportunity to compare these two movie in the close reading part.

Work Cited, References

Harper, Douglas (November 2001). “Bohemian etymology”


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