Close Reading (Brayan Fiallos)

Throughout life  we all go through obstacles or tough times. Some have it worse than others and many times we are lucky to not have to go through things other people have to be put in other countries. As i was reading “This way for the gas ladies and gentleman” i found difficult at certain parts to read because what was described was really disturbing. You see how all the Jewish people had to deal with all this torture during WWII it was really heartbreaking reading this story. So many live were lost during that time from men, women and even infants, it makes you wonder how people can be so heartless and feel no sympathy towards the people they are murdering. I was amazed at how little feelings they had it shows you how cruel this world really is. Many of these people were fighting for their survival, which bring me to my main theme which is survival and death, because that what this was all about so many deaths occurred while many other were fighting for their own survival whether that meant even abandoning their own children.

As i kept reading this story at one point i told myself how can you be so cruel and just murder people the way the Nazis did and then i realized that there so many tragedies quite similar occurring now. Let’s take a look at what has been all over the new and occurring in Syria as of late. The recent event with the chemical gas which was described by the New York Times as one of the worst chemical attacks in years as it left many people death, it’s the exact same way they would murder the Jews in the story with chemical gases, it crazy to know that this methods that were used with the Jews are still being used now in a more destructive way through bombing. As i was reading this article from New York Times which described in detail how many children were writhing, choking, gasping and foaming at the mouth because of this chemical gas that was dropped, just picturing that scene make me so heartbroken all these people in Syria are suffering slow deaths which make so much worse they have to go through all this pain. I can’t imagine all the suffering all the people are going through right now but right now they are fighting for their survival while some may survive others die it’s all they can do the same way the Jewish had to fight for their survival during WWII they had no other choice all they can do is hope for a miracle for things to get better. The toughest part was seeing these images and videos of Syria all the chaos that was caused  it really broke my heart how can you just do something like that all these people were helpless and theirs nothing we can do to help which makes us feel vulnerable as humans. We are lucky we don’t go through that we just live our daily lives while other people are fighting for their own survival when you think about it.

After reading both the story and article i realized how much things haven’t changed compared to the times during WWII. I mean just looks at what’s going on with Syria, that just shows you things haven’t changed at so many deaths are still occurring till this day to innocent people, many of them children young kids who haven’t even gotten the chance to live life and enjoy the joys of it. I mean just thinking about it make me actually hate this world we live there is never any peace anymore, theirs always war and that something that will never change sadly . So much cruelty is still happening to this day. It just shows how heartless humans are they have no remorse for their actions. At some point you wonder if these attacks will ever end or if the people that do this will return to human feelings and actually have some heart to not cause anymore suffering to all the innocent people. This is a problem which i feel will honestly never ever go away.

At the end of the day you come to realize this world we live in is a messed up one that we are in. No matter how much times passes you realize that things never will truly change there will always be these unfortunate events that occur. We can only hope for a change that will make the world a better place.

Works Cited:

Barnard, Anne, and Michael R. Gordon. “Worst Chemical Attack in Years in Syria; U.S. Blames Assad.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 04 Apr. 2017. Web. 08 May 2017.

Borowski, Tadeusz. This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen. New York: Penguin Books, 1976. Print.

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