Since no bet is safe bet, why not make it a legal one?

IFWT-Sports-BettingOn average it is believed that Americans bet just under $400 billion yearly on sports.  It is a custom that has been happening for years onto decades and it is quite popular across the nation. Sports’ gambling is something that many partake in illegally, so many that the government might as well regulate it.

While some fans may believe sports gambling itself is an ethical issue. I believe the impacts of not legalizing it makes for a bigger ethical issue. Simply due to the fact that legalizing sports betting will reduce the amount of illegal gambling that happens in our country. Illegal sports betting can undermine the integrity of a sport itself. Fans become fans over the dollar and not for the game or sport being played. If sports betting were to be regulated the odds of the gamble will be fairly set and determined, while the payoffs will be based solely on athletics and team performance; and not to forget legalization can create taxation which will turn around and help the economy of the nation. Continue reading