Sharing Nicely- Blenker

“Sharable goods are those that have at least some excess capacity” (Blenkler 2004). They can be used by more than one person (In this case information captured by pen can be utilized by more than one person) either at the same time or consecutively. He proposes that the most shareable goods are those that are in principle “lumpy” and “midgrained”.

Lumpy: He means that their purpose comes in distinct packages of creating limp (slack).

This pen could be consider lumpy because the physical condition of the pen is limited to one person at a time.


However information stored in the pen is Midgrained:

Midgrained: A Midgrained good has one holder who cannot utilize all the capacity of the resource, such as digital pen, and thus can distribute it with others with no loss to myself.

Why is this pen considered Midgrained?

when I say this pen fits into Midgrained category, it’s because the information that I store on this pen can be used by many people. The worth of this information does not stop it when I use it therefore it could be used by many many people.