Journal Entry #3
November 24, 2009
Having set in place the final plans for our community service project, I can safely say that this has been quite a learning opportunity. Cindy, Ewelyna, and I all had to really come together to make this work. We were able to work together and establish a good relationship with our contact at I Challenge Myself to work out a great plan. The project led us to look for help in unexpected places and to utilize all of the resources available. We were able to find this great organization by doing a lot of research. I noticed that a lot of what we learned at Freshman Seminar helped me to form a connection. Communicating with someone in a professional manner was extremely important and the great tips offered to us by Professor Medina and the other speakers really helped out. We were also able to really get a good feel of the organization by doing research using the library website. I have also found that the various advisement centers were extremely helpful. This project has taught me a new meaning of community service. Mainly, that community service is not a chore, rather a great moral duty. Taking a single step backwards and thinking about where we are, made me realize how lucky we have become. We have this amazing place of learning, where people are eager to help and where we are given so much to thrive with. Community service become more than an assignment, it became a responsibility to give back to the community that has given so much to us.