An Engine for Good: The B-Corporation for Social Entrepreneurs

The the MPA Club, co-hosting with the Sustainable Business Club, will be holding a panel discussion on Benefit Corporations this Monday, October 3rd.

An entirely new type of company, the Benefit Corporation has been created to marry the efficiency and discipline-building effects of a profit motive with the social mandate of a nonprofit. This panel discussion will explain the certification process, tax benefits, environmental and social auditing standards, and first hand experiences of companies belonging to the first generation of Benefit Corporations. Come join us to discover what is set to become the future of social entrepreneurship.

Space is limited, register today! RSVP at:

Monday, October 3; 6-8pm
MPA Club & Sustainable Business Club
An Engine for Good: The B-Corporation for Social Entrepreneurs

Field Center, 55 Lexington Avenue, Room 2-140

Other News:

Thursday, October 6; 9-9:30pm
2nd BoD Meeting

VC 3-216

Study in D.C. – Live and Study in the Nation’s Capital

Baruch College offers its MPA students an opportunity to live and study in the nation’s capital for one semester, while completing an intensive Washington-based internship and two additional graduate courses. Students participating in the program will live in Washington for the spring semester, attend classes as a cohort, participate in tours, information sessions, and lectures, and explore the many cultural amenities of the nation’s capital. Student will gain insight into the functions of federal agencies and legislative offices, as well as the role of national associations, nonprofit interest groups, and lobbying organizations in our democratic processes.


    Tuesday, October 4, 2011
    1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m.
    135 East 22nd Street, Rm. 301

    Wednesday, October 5th, 2011
    5:30-6:30 p.m.
    135 East 22nd Street, Rm. 308

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