MoMa – The City Rises – Daniel Namdar

When visiting the Museum of Modern Art the piece of art that stood out the most was titled The City Rises (1910) by Umber Boccioni. When first looking at this piece I was amazed at how massive it was, along with how there was so much going on in this one piece of art. At the top of this piece we see large structural developments. These developments seem to represent modern developments, and industrialization. Under these developments there is a clash of people and horses. The clash seems to represent unity, considering that the people of the village and the horses are bonding together. In addition, it appears that this clash takes up the majority of this piece.
I questioned myself as to why it is that this messy clash is taking up the majority of the piece, and how this clash connects to the structural developments above. In order for us to succeed, and make progress in society we must understand the importance of uniting together. Furthermore, the reason these clashes are overwhelming the majority of this piece is representative as to how important unity is for our modern developments.