Course Content

Baruch College sign on the Vertical Campus building

This is a PAGE where you can put different kinds of course content that you are providing to your students.

You can see more about the many different content and design blocks that are available on the Blogs@Baruch Help Pages.

Often instructors will build out course content across multiple pages, such as a module for each week.

A Few Tips for Course Content

  • We encourage you to be aware of what materials you post for your students in terms of media attribution and copyright laws.
  • Many students might be accessing your course materials on a mobile device. You can preview your page at different sizes using the blue Preview option in the top white toolbar.
  • If you are including video content, we recommend that you run it through a site such as YouTube. You can then embed an unlisted or public video on your page (not a private one that would only be visible to its creator.)
  • If your materials are OER, be sure that you include any Creative Commons attribution and licenses as necessary.
  • By default, pages on your site do not have Comments enabled, but you can enable them if you would like people to be able to respond to the page. (Posts have comments enabled by default.) You can change this on the page settings menu when you are editing the page.

Featured Images

You may notice that this page has a large image at the top. You can place a featured image as the first thing that appears on the page from the Page Settings panel when editing your page.

This will insert a full-size version of your image at the top of a page. You can also do this with a post.

Multiple images of different sizes can be placed throughout the page using the block editor.

To delete a featured image edit the page and click on Remove Featured Image in the Page Settings panel.

Edit/Delete this Page by clicking on the Edit link below, orĀ from Dashboard > Pages.