With the recent events that have been happening, I feel sympathy for the family’s that lost loved ones. Events like this should not happen and there is no good justification for them. A man of color was killed for the assumption that he was selling a cigarette? That is beyond my comprehension and that should be no reason for his death. The man was screaming for his life and still the police officer would not let go of the choke hold. The case was categorized as a homicide but the Grand Jury still indites the case? Letting this slide as an indictment is a travesty on the part of America. The decision outrages me and I hope that one day everyone, all human, will be under equal rights.
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Project Plan
For the project so far, I have gathered my sources and did the annotated bibs. My annotated bibs need a lot of work and need to be more detailed and have more information. I am skimming through potential sources and try to find an academic source to use. As of now I am just trying to take it step by step and thinking how I want to organize my essay and what kind of personal experiences and information I should incorporate into it.
Working with Sources
Marijuana legalization is a trending problem that resurfaces a lot in discussions about drug use and legalization. CNBC writes about this topic by giving their point of view. CNBC believes that marijuana should not be legalized. They support this idea by giving examples of scenarios that may occur if it is legalized. It further supports this claim by adding in proven/past statistics. One statistic that CNBC uses is to express the amount of substance abuse from minors by saying “In 2008, marijuana use accounted for 4.2 million of the 7 million people aged 12 or older classified with dependence on or abuse of an illicit drug” (Why). They further go on saying that there are currently 15.2 million that use marijuana and if it was to be legalized, this number would jump up by a substantial amount. By giving all this information, CNBC is persuading us to change our minds about marijuana legislation and lean to their perspective.
This assignment is a great way to convey what the article was trying to say. We closely see what is written and we examine and analysis why its written. It is also a great way to get all your thoughts together.
“Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana”. CNBC, Web. 6 Oct 2014. <http://www.cnbc.com/id/36267223#>
Revising Attitudes
When I am revising my own work, I like to think of the work as someone else’s. The process that I use when revising my own work is finding feedback on what I can do better. Word choice that I can work on. I like to read over the piece hollistically and maybe correct a few minor mistakes as I go.
There are differences between revising, editing and proofreading. Revising is a process where you read the draft and you give feedback on how it can be better and what can be improved. What you liked about the piece and what really worked for you. Editing is the process of picking up on the spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes on the draft. Proofreading is when you read the draft for errors that were no caught and fixed in the other 2 previous processes. Proofreading is a back up check to see if everything that was needed to be corrected is done properly.
I think that Detheir is right in what he says about revision. If you think that something is not worth doing or don’t see the point in doing it, it will not help you progress far. You know put enough effort and time into doing what you can accomplish if you believed in the process.
Writer’s Notes: Rhetorical Analysis
On the project, I have done up to my zero draft. In my zero draft I didn’t put as much as thought as I should have. I was confused as to what to put in my zero draft, I couldn’t think of what other information to add. For the first draft, I plan to start tonight and finish about 1 page today and hopefully finish the other one on Wednesday. I don’t have a definite plan of how the paper is going to be organized but I do have a sense of what information that I do want to put.
Rhetorical Analysis Formal Proposal
For this project, I wanted to write about the topic of marijuana legalization. I wanted to learn more about this topic because there are many arguments about it. From the government level to kids in school. I also wanted to learn more about the topic because marijuana is everywhere. I see people smoking it on the street or talking about it and I realized I don’t know much about the subject. Marijuana has become apparent on social media and states are starting to legalize marijuana. All these legalization have stirred controversy from the public. Some people are for the legalization and think that its a good thing, while others have opposite thoughts on it. I was thinking about comparing the mixed opinions. I was thinking of presenting one agreement on why it is a good idea and compare it to another argument that says that its a bad idea.
Ideas for rhetorical analysis project, Sept 30
The Rhetorical Situation
The rhetorical situation talks about how important a rhetorical situation can be. He explains how a simple everyday situation can become one that revolves around rhetoric. Along with all these, he also tells us the 3 major points in a rhetorical situation; exigence, audience and constraints. He goes in depth and explains to us how each of these elements influences a situation. After all this, he concludes his argument by presenting another set of statements that puts together all the ideas he previously presented.
I think that Bitzer explains the concept of rhetoric very well. He thoroughly explained the elements of a rhetorical situation. He also engages the reader by giving us examples of rhetorical situations that us readers can relate to. Such examples include the Declaration of Independence, and JFK’s inaugural address.
Are there times in a rhetorical situation where one of the elements can be ignored?
An example of a rhetorical situation is the speech that Emma Watson gave at the UN about feminism. The audience of the speech were the people in the UN and men and women that came to listen to her speech. A constraint that the speech had was she couldn’t say too much about one gender because it could potentially offend someone. The exigence of the speech was gender inequality.
I agree that in order to be a persuasive writer, you have to keep in mind all the parts of rhetoric; logos, pathos, ethos and style. Although each of these have different meanings and are implemented in different ways, they are all connected. A writer cannot write about anything, the topic must appeal to the audience. The audience must also be listening to the speaker. The style of writing must also be understandable by the audience. Everything about logos, pathos, ethos and style are connected.