Themes in American History: Capitalism, Slavery, Democracy

No class week of Sept. 6th!

Dear class,

Contrary to what I stated last class, and to what appeared the original version of the syllabus, we do not meet either Monday 9/6 or Wednesday 9/8. I’ve posted a revised version of the syllabus with that and a few other corrections. on Blackboard.

Enjoy the Labor Day holiday, and please use the extra time to catch up on readings and assignments (again, see the syllabus as well as announcements on Blackboard). And, if for some reason you are still not completely vaccinated against COVID-19, consider using the time to complete your vaccination requirements so that we will be in compliance and can get back to in-person or hybrid meetings ASAP!

This cartoon, from a booklet published by the American Public Health Association in 1930, shows that anti-vaccination hysteria and misinformation are nothing new.


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