Uzbekistan Finally Gained Its Freedom And Became Independent Republic.

Uzbekistan gained its independence following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The process leading to the country’s independence

Uzbekistan's Transformation - Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

Post-Soviet States after 30 years of Independence: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Georgia

Declaration of Independence (1991): On August 31, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of Uzbekistan declared the country’s independence from the Soviet Union. This declaration came shortly after the failed coup attempt in Moscow in August 1991, which accelerated the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia

To legitimize the independence declaration, a referendum was held on December 29, 1991, in which the people of Uzbekistan voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence.

(Daler’s Uncle Sodi)-“There were 15 countries that Russia was controlling.I couldn’t move out from my parents house due to Uzbekistan not having its independence”

Recognition by the International Community: Following the referendum, Uzbekistan’s independence was recognized by the international community, including Russia, on December 26, 1991.

Islam Karimov’s Leadership: Islam Karimov became the first President of Uzbekistan and played a significant role in shaping the country’s early years of independence. He remained in power until his death in 2016.

Sodi– “When Uzbekistan became independent I was able to work and buy a land and build a house for me and my family so I can move out from my parents house”

Sodi– “I was able to open my own farm business which give me the freedom to work and support my family.”

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Before gaining independence in 1991, Uzbekistan was part of the Soviet Union, and life for its residents was characterized by the political, economic, and social dynamics of the Soviet system.

The education system and media were controlled by the state.The education system wasn’t the best while I was going to school.- (Daler’s Uncle)

Daler:amaki o’zbekistonga Mustaqillarini olish qiyin edi

(uncle was it hard for uzbekistan to get its Independents)

1991-yilda O‘zbekistonning mustaqillikka erishish jarayoni boshqa Sovet Ittifoqi respublikalariga nisbatan nisbatan tinch kechdi. Mustaqillikka intilish chogʻida sovet hokimiyati bilan shiddatli qarama-qarshiliklarga duch kelgan Litva, va Estoniya kabi davlatlardan farqli oʻlaroq, Oʻzbekistonda oʻtish jarayoni ancha silliq kechdi. (Daler’s uncle)

Diplomatic World - Uzbekistan

The process of gaining independence for Uzbekistan in 1991 was relatively peaceful compared to some other Soviet republics. Unlike countries such as Lithuania and Estonia, which faced violent confrontations with Soviet authorities during their quest for independence, Uzbekistan experienced a smoother transition. (Daler’s uncle)

Environmental Issues: The intensive cultivation of cotton, a major cash crop, contributed to environmental problems such as the drying up of the Aral Sea.

Uzbekistan is home to a diverse population with various ethnic groups, languages, and traditions. The Soviet era saw efforts to balance the promotion of a unified Soviet identity with the preservation of local cultures.

Uzbekistan ranks as most peaceful country in Central Asia - AKIpress News  Agency

This map shows the Uzbekistan is ranked the most peaceful country in Central Asia

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